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Expensive units shoting useless stuff

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4 years ago
A few times after having targeted an ennemy my lance/phantom/felon, my unit will shot the nearest unit they can... usually half a second before the ennemy I targeted is in range... it feels bad.

Is there a way such units hold fire only when I target an ennemy?
Is there a way those units do not fire certain ennemy units unless told to do so (ex: felons shoting razors...)

Thank you,

+5 / -0

4 years ago
Maybe there shall be a hold-fire until manually selected target die.
+1 / -0
I am looking for a hold-fire until ennemy units dies only when there is a selected target option, otherwise it can shot at whatever (preferably not razors and lowcost/high-hp-stuff). Does it make more sense? Or perhaps I misunderstood what you meant :/
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Building Razors as a ground defence (decoy) is part of the game's tactics.
There is a hold fire option, use it.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Is there a way to script such option?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Look at the "Unit behavior" option.
You can space-click on a unit, which pulls up a window with the stats. Underneath the image of the unit there should be a "Unit behavior" button. Click that and change the "firestate" option.
+0 / -0
better get the updated ones https://github.com/zenfur/xcom-zero-k-techrepo
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Thank you so much!<3 I'll search how to install them!
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Make me some button graphics for targetting [anything/just raiders/medium units/heavies] and I'll finish this off:

Then you'll be able to decide what you want your Phantoms, Merlins, Berthas, Artemises, Lances and Starlights to target.
+5 / -0
How about these?
Targets anything
Targets low-cost/raider units
Targets medium units
Targets heavy units

+8 / -0
+1 / -0

4 years ago
*LOOKS AT GBrankdyth68*
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Designing an icon will be tricky because it needs a few states and there are already a few icons to do with shooting (Hold Fire, Overkill Prevention, the Lobster toggle).

Icons don't have much space to work with and they are either monochromatic, or monochromatic with some white. The colour pallet is limited to a particular green, yellow, red, grey and white, and a grey icon tends to be used for the default.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Those low cost/medium icons are super hard to tell apart if you're color blind!
+1 / -0
4 years ago
So I tried hacking together a set of untistate icons for this then.

The top is default, no limit.
Then we have red high-value, yellow medium-value, and green low-value.
+5 / -0

4 years ago
Those are nice icons on their own, by they look almost the same as firestate.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Since we're talking about unit weight (actually cost) maybe it could look like one of these:

With different colors (handle not needed).

Could use one, two, three lines inside it to differentiate the weights. Or the letters L, M and H.
+1 / -0
As far as I'm concerned the icon issue was solved on Discord. Here it is so it isn't lost:

The white bits could be replaced with grey, or maybe the icons should just be monochromatic. This is based on the Force Fire command icon because it conveys the idea of targeting.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
BTW, we seem to be talking about a "shot-everything/light units only/medium units only/heavy units only" toggle.

However, I think that a "shot-everything/mediums and heavies/heavies only" toggle would be more useful.

I mean, plenty of units with slow reload times have good reasons to not shot light and sometimes medium units. But they're rarely going to have reasons to shot mediums but not heavies.

The currently proposed targeting system would be inconvenient if you want your lance to not shot glaives, to shot knights, but still shot dantes as well, for example.

Meanwhile riot units already seem to do a good job of prioritizing the close raider over the more distant heavy unit. They don't need a toggle making them fire at light units exclusively.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
BRrankManored that is one of the unsolved problem. In short, how many states should there be and what should be in each state?

In an ideal system I think the following would hold:
  • There would be three states.
  • The interpretation of the state would not vary from unit to unit (ie, a Scalpel with the middle state and a Lance with the middle state will avoid firing at exactly the same thing).
  • There would be some sort of logic behind what is in each state.

Doing everything by cost sounds like a reasonable start, but then what do we do about Razor, Gauss and Solar?
+0 / -0
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