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3rd Zero-K 1v1 Weekly Tournament January 16th 2021

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Zero-K 1v1 Weekly Tournament January 16th 2021

Hello and welcome back to the third week of Lobster Roll weeklies!


Signup link is here.

Tournament starts at 19:00 UST.

PLEASE READ HOW TO USE SMASH GG BEFORE YOUR MATCHES COME UP. It, along with the rules on the smashgg homepage, will save you when you'd otherwise be confused and asking admins what to do when it's time to check into your match.

Rules and such are on the SmashGG tournament homepage.


Lobster Roll Weekly Discord joining is mandatory. Go ahead and join us to get the latest news here. SmashGG will ask you during signup to verify that you have joined the discord and to link your discord to your SmashGG account.

Other Important Links:

Link to the points tracker spreadsheet

Link to last weeks ZK tourney post
+4 / -0

4 years ago
I am available to stream this
+5 / -0
4 years ago
Both USrankAdminBakuhatsu and me may join the tournament but we are in the same location. Making sure this is okay (we obviously don't spectate our games or watch Twitch), and just a heads up if you want to put us on opposite sides of the ladder.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
USrankLegomenon I will probably throw you guys on opposite sides, just for the sake of making sure you don't play each other too soon.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
The smash.gg link you posted leads to a 404 now. Perhaps the page has moved?
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Link fixed.
+1 / -0
I don't wanna sign-up for this:

Is that necessary?
+3 / -0
4 years ago
@Godde make a smash.gg account and I'll send you a signup request so you don't have to link discord.
+1 / -0
Ok, I did that. I will join the tourney today.
Edit: How do you find my smash.gg account?
+1 / -0
Godde, I think I found you. Check the bell in your notifications on smash.gg (will be on the left side of the screen). You should just need to accept being added.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Yeah. Thank you!
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Tourney is completed. Updated rankings are at https://braacket.com/league/ZKLRL/ranking
+1 / -0
VODs are on Twitch, and will be going on YouTube over the course of the week
+3 / -0