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Anir abusing admin power

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4 years ago

Anir comes to my lobby, changes the number of teams, the balance and the map without asking. When I complained he tried to get everyone to join another room and failed. We are all friends playing in voice, we locked the room but cannot remove him. Very annoying admin behavior.
+4 / -1
4 years ago
eh next time try to get the story right.

Just for the record, I've already cleared this up in the admin chat.
+3 / -5
4 years ago
You should not take over other people's lobby without permission.
+3 / -1
4 years ago
when did i take it over?
Did i kick u or something?
Or canceled all your changes?
+0 / -1
4 years ago
Oh idk, when you force-changed the map, force changed the balance and then, when I tried to take back control invited people to a new lobby. I work hard to start up lobbies, consider yourself not invited to my future ones.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
i invited them to a new lobby because of the broken teams.
At least dont leave out such information.
+0 / -2
4 years ago
Nothing was broken, we entered the game just fine.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
But i considered it broken until Anarchid pointed out a solution i wasnt aware about.
The only thing u can do here is hold my lack of knowledge about this against me, and that is fine for me.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Anir also abused me with rovers. It was sad.
+17 / -0
4 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
ZeroK has long history of mod abuse unfortunately, despite game being good community keeps being overmoderated and it has driven many players away in my opinion
+7 / -15

4 years ago
eh next time try to get the story right.

Just for the record, I've already cleared this up in the admin chat.

Does this mean that LUrankAdminAnir wasn't randomly changing the map etc. or that he was but it doesn't matter because that is an acceptable usage of mod powers?
+2 / -0

4 years ago
ZeroK has long history of mod abuse unfortunately

I disagree. But it has a history of bad communication.
+7 / -0
4 years ago
I disagree. But it has a history of bad communication.

To my understanding this is a pretty good description of the inicdent at hand.
+10 / -0
There have been quite a few players who themselves drive off many other players. I think it is appropriate that Zero-K moderation policy restrict and, if necessary, drive off the players who would themselves alienate many other players if unrestrained.

There are also a handful of people who have been removed at least partially because they made the Zero-K development environment too toxic, for example Knorke, Archangel and CatLady.


This particular incident indeed mostly seems like an initial miscommunication which was subsequently not handled diplomatically.
+5 / -3

4 years ago
I've had too many minor/personal bumps with moderators to remember, and I think the wisdom of such repetitive folly is that the moderators are in fact fallable humans who volounteer themselves to dance upon an blurry line that is continually being redrawn. A task inherently prone to misjudgement and error, which alone should buy them some lenience and forgiveness for the occassional overstepping of the line. They sure as shit offer the same benefit of the doubt to the playbase more often than not.

That said, any moderator overstepping on the regular is a far bigger problem than one or two antagonistic players. Moderators should understand that the effect of their words and actions is magnified in weight five-fold, and that poor conduct on their part communicates not just disregard, but contempt for regular players - whether it was intended to or not. Thankfully, it's highly unlikely that these volounteers who love ZK signed up with the intent to make it worse!
+4 / -0

4 years ago
Standard players and admins make mistakes from time to time and pointing fingers won't fix the issue itself. I myself got bullied a few times by admins and was even the subject of irony from them. It was ok since I know that the long-term status won't affect my gameplay and I know that these persons who use what they have on their hand to look more powerful and exploit the situation are actually weak in real-life.

The point here is to forgive if you can and make your statement in a polite manner if the admin is actually crossing the line or the boundaries. Everybody should have the right to express his mind as long as he doesn't offend the other person :).
+1 / -0
4 years ago
CArankRedEagle_P1 This would have never happened if I was a mod.

Make me a moderator and I would for sure drain the swamp of the corrupt elitist moderators!

Except for FIrankAdminAlcur and NOrankAdminKingstad - you can always trust Nordic moral values.)

+3 / -0

4 years ago
Seems miscommunication here. Yes that is regular problem in ZK.
Why didn't you wrote other admins to solve this issue but created thread here? Or you wrote and there was even bigger miscommunication?
+0 / -0
I was also abused by LUrankAdminAnir. He stunned me from behind then repeatedly tried to give me crabs.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I understand the point about admins being people and making mistakes, and being volunteer. You apologise and move on. But we have a problem.

However, not only can we find hundreds of threads about admin abuse in this very forum, but also the direction that the game has been taking over the years is clearly moving towards even more moderation. Just look for example at how the kick vote system works now. Community isn't even allowed to kick players anymore without getting an admin involved. Admins aren't teaching players how to fish, they're fishing for them and building a fish factory.

I wish ZeroK had a better, fairer voting system for excessive troll prevention. I wish admins did NOT have power to force lobby changes, balance or change map, why they even have that power to begin with is beyond me. I wish we had more polls to include community more in the game balance decisions. Anything really that is giving players in general more power over the game to turn this around.
+5 / -1
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