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GUI improvements

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3 years ago
1 - When using Trinity Nuclear Launcher attack, show a circle for the AoE that it will hit, so we can place the attack command with more precision, same for missiles from Missile Silo. In case of Trinity also auto map mark hit/AoE circle for team to see and not team-kill, after auto erase map mark after some seconds.

2 - When build Singularity Reactor or Geothermal Generator (normal/advanced) show a circle for explosion/death radius, like missile silo show missiles attack radius. This will make easier for newbies stop building one right next to another...

+1 / -0

3 years ago
2 - When build Singularity Reactor or Geothermal Generator (normal/advanced) show a circle for explosion/death radius, like missile silo show missiles attack radius. This will make easier for newbies stop building one right next to another...

This exists already for Singu and Fusion. Geo apparently doesn't have one.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
Good if it already exist, so expanding it for Geo should be easy.

This Widget:

Will do the map mark of nuke, made by unknownrankShaman but him did say i can share and try to included it in default game. (need some editing to make Missile Silo part optional)

Only miss now to see the AoE of nuke (and missile silo) before we shot it.
+0 / -0

3 years ago

Like this? It already exists. I'm not going to find the setting today.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Again nice, still did not use nuke, so did not see it. But again if it already exist expanding it to Missile Silo should be easy.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
And just a personal preference, a simple circle like Singularity Reactor explosion radius looks better and easier to see boundaries.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Another idea, beside when you building the Singularity Reactor/etc, make it so after it's build if you select it you can also/still see the explosion radius, that will help teammates to not build too close of it...
+0 / -0

3 years ago
All weapons with AoE show what USrankAdminSteel_Blue posted. The fadeout corresponds to damage falloff.
+2 / -0
What BRrankTester5555 wants to say is that it draws the AOE of allied incoming nukes using map markers.
+2 / -0
Mod edit: removed some smurf shitpost
+1 / -0