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Suggestion: Impaler Fire Command

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3 years ago
As everyone surely knows, impalers are extremely bad against units that move.

I want a Fire Command which will fire on non-moving units and units that stop to fire (Fencer/Crab/Bulkhead/Emissary/Tremor)
Is that easy to develop using a widget?

For people who just like to click on the +/- button: Please, before you disliked my forum article please explain why you don't like it and maybe submit another idea!
+3 / -0

3 years ago
I could imagine this being a state thing like the "avoid bad targets" button.
If enabled it would only fire on buildings and units that have stood still for at least 1 second (or so).

I guess a problem would be how to deal with firing at radar, would wobble confuse the widget?
+1 / -0

3 years ago
How does this widget cq UNIT know this. Also units that can move and attack aren't always on the move or are they? If they are, it's sad.
+1 / -0
Sounds reasonable. It would be an extension of don't fire at radar. It would only work on identified radar dots.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Counterpoint: Impalers are actually pretty annoying when they fire en masse at shieldballs. They won't kill anything but they will keep the SB from charging up fully and in extreme cases keep it in the red.

Personally I wish that Impalers would have to stop to fire - even for a short time - because trying to counter-artillery them is a hopeless task.
+2 / -0
There is a number of units that'd benefit from a speed filter for effectiveness in mixed engagements. It is not uncommon to see assaults/skirm/arty whiffing a lot of shots against speedy targets while other targets are possible. The existence of such a widget would change how mixed unit formations fight in general, increase effectiveness of slow projectiles while reduce survivability of stop/slow targets.

In the "it is all arms race of quantizable behavior all the way down" sense, one might want better dodging behavior for different situations, especially with regard to "travel speed to dodge frequency/distance" tradeoff. Against seriously long travel time weapons like impaler you'd want to stop to fire units like emissary to move between shots too, perhaps with someway to force it to only fire at targets toward of the hull to save on the unpack time.

Or maybe emissary would have a dedicated push kodachi on tiny guard orbit (within bump range) to push it around in this new meta. And then there is fencer as a skrim that you have to micro to begin with...
+1 / -0