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f*** jack drops

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they are still way too good
+2 / -1
If you must make this thread again for the fifth time in seven months, at least put some effort into the OP, give us some replays to look at, and leave the profanity out of the title.
+7 / -1
they have too much hp for the cost (same with dirtbags) so lower it to like 4k idk they are just annoying to deal with at the start of the game when you can get one out in under 45 second and get it across map if you have 2 coms or someone helping you. we could also look into cherons being to cheep although no one ever used them unless your drooping stuff.

When a game ends in a stupide way like jack getting into your base most of the time it just kills the lobby because no one wants to play after that.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
We have a match yesterday: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1392568

The bottom hill was taken and reinforced by super strong player from our team (right side). Over time couple of Jacks jumped onto and wiped everything. Jack metal price almost nothing for everything expensive was on that hill.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
About the battle FantasyZero mentioned: Slightly exaggerated couple jacks, it was ten jacks jumping to the hill, and it was very good and well deserved to lose the hill for 10 minutes. It was a good hill cleaning from rollmops, well done indeed. Also the jackies were all super hyper mega damaged after they wiped the hill clean, with 3 dead even.
+2 / -0

This isn't a jack drop. For that matter, I would expect ten Jacks, an Eraser, and some tac missiles to beat a troll-supportcom and a bunch of Lotus/Faraday; the Cerberus died to the tacsilo before the Jacks even arrived. The commander didn't even die, it just walked away.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
I'll admit that I'm not sure that Jack Drops really add to what Zero K is going for. They give huge value to great micro, and don't really allow player to counter through macro easily.

If I were to make a change, maybe additional damage when the transporter is shot down before release?

This would allow players to counter them with AA, which at the moment is fairly ineffective against them.

Tbh, I've not found many counters that are great in terms of a metal ratio that aren't static and very workable around. Lightning spiders are okay, but you need a lot and need to micro them.

Another potential change might be reducing the jack range by 10-20% to make them more vulnerable to small units or something.

I'm not sure if they are broken, but they are very hard to counter for a positive metal trade.
+1 / -0
I'll admit that I'm not sure that Jack Drops really add to what Zero K is going for. They give huge value to great micro, and don't really allow player to counter through macro easily.

I don't think rewarding micro is particularly against the spirit of Zero-K. The important distinction is how much thinking goes into that micro. Thunderbird, Widow, Ultimatum, Imp, et cetera can give big payoffs for micro, but it is the kind of micro that you have to think about, rather than a micro task that is always much the same actions regardless of situation. If you try to Jack drop into the wrong place you are probably just feeding metal.

If I were to make a change, maybe additional damage when the transporter is shot down before release?

The way that the transported unit can protect the transport from damage (especially given the damage malus for AA units hitting land units) is pretty janky. Maybe something can be changed there.

I haven't been playing a ton recently, and I only ever rarely see the times of day when the teams room fills up, but I don't think I have actually played or spectated a game with a jack drop in weeks. Can somebody please provide some replays?
+2 / -0
2 years ago
when you get jack dropped, your air did something wrong.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Anir I (think?) I play a somewhat competent air and find it very difficult countering Jack drops with air. The problem is that they can be dropped anywhere along your frontline and they are usually dropped towards the front of your base, meaning the window for taking action is very small - 2 seconds maybe. Even if you get fighters there, it usually just results in them getting dropped short of the target and either proceeding if safe, or just running back and all you gain is 100m from killing the transporter and a bit of nuisance. You also need quite a few fighters to kill the transporters quickly.

I think that's a reasonable point aqua. I have a strong personal bias against micro because I suck at it.

I don't have a problem with the ulti, but it does cost 2k metal and has big payoffs.

I'll admit I find the widow and scuttle pretty lame. It's just not fun to lose your com with no warning.

Also, I still don't know how to make your units circle your unit, how do you do that?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
when you get jack dropped, your air did something wrong.

How can Air do something against Jack Drops in your opinion, I mean of course you can do Thunderbird - but in the time where a player from the team Jack flys forward the other team with their army will move forward as well where then probably also AA is present.

>Result that team with the Jack Dropper has pushed and is now reclaiming your Air Wrecks.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Also, I still don't know how to make your units circle your unit, how do you do that?


I'll admit I find the widow and scuttle pretty lame. It's just not fun to lose your com with no warning.

3 ideas:
Flea Screen or Dirtbag Screen :D
Don't use the Commander at the front since its also an important metal income (+4)
(Morph the the commander for better HP)
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Two replays with jack drops from yesterday.

Jacks probably doesn't make cost, but wins the game:
Gets forward com early, then helps kill 2 facs.

Jacks probably made cost, but lost the game:
Kills a few armies, a com and a scorp.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
One jack can literally kill a commander on it's own
+2 / -0
2 years ago
Even a morphed (lvl 2) guardian commander supported by 2-3 glaives... happened to me a few weeks ago. Small nerf could be nice.
+0 / -0
But they do have to get in you face to do anything, and can be kited out by even raiders with decent range

The issue is not jacks, but how they interact with blocking AA for transports i think
Jackdrops should be effective if they arent shot down, and should fall short when trying to fly into AA

Maybe a trajectory change that makes AA missiles curve and hit their target from above, instead of a straight line shot could work
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Whatever happened to the idea of using gnats to counter jack drops?
+2 / -0
2 years ago
People rarely use gunships, actually, it's usually noobs who use this factory so you can't really say that it's a reliable counter.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
One jack can literally kill a commander on it's own

It'll take at least 3 jacks to take down my comms I promise you.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Well putting a lot of metal into your comms is most of the time unfeasable so
+0 / -0
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