HougoSuicideing -> ok
Ctrl + D -> not ok (only ok for shinys when enemy is close)
reclaiming -> ok in most cases (some people get salty if they notice you reclaiming your own com)
letting die (while standing next to it and watching) -> ok
ignore help calls/communication -> ok
leave obvious weakspots -> ok (leaveing a flank open/weakly defended/caretaker next to cloaktower/radar? who needs that?/(Anti/Adv geo terraform/defence? naahh))
Shield on gaurd at ally cloakball -> ok for a few sec/min
dangerous bulids -> ok (if you leave a gap but stay close enough so the blast will kill anyways)
snitching own front -> ok as long as the enemy detonates the snitches
decloaking own team units -> ok
teamkilling with indirect fire (cerb/merlin/tremor/BB) -> not ok
Cooking own team:
. Firewalker -> ok if it shoots at enemy and teammate is in between
. Phoenix -> ok if enemy is also hit (ex. enemy units in ally cloakball, like 3 ally Scythes while hitting 1 enemy mex)
. Dante D -> pretty much everything goes as long as theres a enemy(suspected) nearby just dont overdo it
. Inferno -> ok if shot at enemy which ally is chargeing/pushing, till missile lands ally is where enemy was
. Shockley -> ok same as Inferno
. Reef disarm -> ok if 1 enemy Jack in ally ball.
Supers -> everything goes as long as enemy get hit too
Nuke -> ok if team loss doesnt exceed enemy loss + same as Inferno
Lance -> ok same as Firewalker
Phantom -> ok same as Firewalker
Placeholder -> ok same as Firewalker
Ulti -> ok same as Firewalker
Pyro/Koda in Ally shieldball -> ok
Spamming bad votes -> ok (3 !start votes in a row are perfectly fine!)
I can approve of most if not all of them, happened to myself before or done myself
always with 0 repercussions or learned from previous punishments.
PS: New accounts/smurfs(if OpSec) get away with even more. (Ex:
DaKeys - no clue how he could even make it till lvl 71)
(Tabstops would be nice to structure posts)