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Official Riot Unit Ranking

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2 years ago
S tier

A tier

B tier

C tier

D tier

F tier

+2 / -2
Skrid tier

+5 / -0

2 years ago
you're doing my boy redback dirty
+3 / -0
Why do I feel that like every other post on this forum is written by you, these times
+0 / -0
2 years ago
USrankAdminSteel_Blue slow, short-ranged, single target, low burst

+1 / -1
There are several things about this.
There are a couple ways to rank riots, by how good they are at their job (which I'm assuming you did), or by who would win in a fight.

Redback I agree deserves to be higher than that, they are certainly much better than an Outlaw (in general, depends on situation), and I'm not really sure how it's lower than all the units in B tier. Some of this makes sense but I'd say it's off by a bit.

Also, some other things to note, there are a lot of situations any of these riots could be in that could favor one riot more than another riot against certain raiders, and how common these situations are could lead to one or another unit being "better" at it's job than another. There is also the fact that there are many different raiders and types of raiders that you could come across where one type could get wrecked by a certain riot while another type of raider could present a much more difficult situation for said riot. This ALSO presents another situation which is that there are some raiders that will never meet up with some riots in a normal game because of their differences. For instance, a Siren (an extreme example) will probably not encounter Glaives very often at all, if ever. There is also the case of if certain riots are better in groups or if they are better alone, and how they make cost compared to what size of an riot of that type army they are in, etc. Overall, it would take a lot of work and testing etc. to make an accurate list.

Also Also, why does it say "Official" in the title?
+2 / -0

2 years ago

+1 / -0
2 years ago
IMO Redbacks are like A tier. It's all about how you use them. Yeah, single target but fast rate of fire.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Also redbacks have a decent range, they outrange reavers which is important
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Is Ogre really that good?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Hard units to rank, actually, when you come down to it.

I mean, Crab is spectacular in general, but you are gonna have to talk to your bank manager before building it.

A single Felon is 'ok' but chuck it into a bunch of Thugs and it is hands-down my favourite riot.

And it also depends on who is using the riot and against what.

Felons eat Reavers up for breakfast. Multiple Felons in a shieldball are simply devastating. On the other hand I've seen TinySpider wreck entire bases by sneaking cloaked Reavers into the rear and letting rip, which cannot be done with Felon.

Useful list however.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Skuggtheother I think Ogre is very good. It can, under heavy micro, close in and destroy units like Rogue which it is not supposed to destroy. It shuts down most of Rover. It also makes Minotaur blobs extra deadly by giving them AOE and limited AA capacity.
+0 / -0
Is this a tier list of how good they are at rioting, how hard they are to counter or how flexible they are?
Because those are all very different questions, for instance Reaver is great at killing raiders that come at it but that's all it can do.
While Crab is a solid assault-skirm.
Ogre, in contrast, is awful at killing lots of chaff at low densities (and can indeed be easily killed for cost by microd glaives) and it's low hp and high cost make it very vulnerable to Phantoms and Lances, but it is a fairly good generalist, able to do a mediocre job in a variety of roles.

From the looks of your list you're asking how good a generalist they are, in which case I'd still say that Ogre above Crab is nonsense.

I also assume you're talking pot-only which is why you have Archer and Venom in B rather than S.

That said:

Corsair F-tier?! The unit with raider speed, assault hp, riot range and raider dps? That can beat hover with monospam? That Corsair?
+4 / -0

2 years ago
Twin missile ogre is much better at handling swarms than is single missile incarnation.

It's funny that someone else rated ripper so highly in another tier list thread, it's gotten amazing dps buffs over time.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Ripper is the same as ogre when it comes to AA. They are both beasts
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Mace deserves B or A teir, its such a good unit to push with. It kites other riots, kills commanders, rolls through llt, and its range + dps make it very hard for raiders to even touch it. Great pushing unit, and exceptional in a lance ball
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Pyro, I don't know... I use it a lot, but primarily has a raiding unit (I love your facs, guys. So shinies). The riot capabilities is secondary for me because The high price for low damage and HP.
Using a band of pyros to fend off raiders is usefull, but often very costly.

For Riot, the Jumper fac has better units, particularly in groups, like Placeholder + Moderator, or Juggle + jacks. Even FireWalker can be pretty good at it.

But Pyro ? Na. Pyro is a send from the Goddess to your opponents facs. That's what make him (and me) happy.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Pyro actually loses for cost against all other raiders, so any designation as a riot is a misnomer.

Nice use of unit icons I guess, but I find the list pretty much nonsensical. Is this a rating of general unit strength or riot capabilities? Either way, the only thing I can agree with is Reaver as S-tier(but S++).
+4 / -0

2 years ago
The post just exists as a continuation of an altercation dyth and tinyspider were having about "which riot is the best riot".

Note: Pyro not a unit riot.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
An interesting enough discussion, regardless.
+2 / -0
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