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Zero-K v1.10.11.1 - Down to Earth

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2 years ago

Dirtbag cannot go to space, commanders deal a little less damage, and economy coordination is smoother. New music tracks by the player Superintendent are now available ingame in the track list under Settings/Audio. Conjurer cloak has the largest nerfs since its inception, core cloakbots have small nerfs, and the assault vehicles are tankier. Paladin is a little harder to manoeuvre and Krow has a lot more damage, but with Krow being niche for so long it is hard to say how the balance will shake out.


Dirtbag hits slightly less hard and can no longer create very steep terrain.
  • Health 580 -> 560
  • Damage reduced by 13%
  • Dropped dirt now has a slope limit (5x normal terraform slope).
  • In particular, maximum thin spike height ∞ -> 700 elmos.

Conjurer is easier to find when area cloaking.
  • Movement speed reduced to 66% while area cloaking.
  • Area cloak cost 8 -> 10
  • Jamming and area cloak radius 184 -> 175
  • Decloak radius while area cloaking 184 -> 220

Ronin has reduced survivability.
  • Health 420 -> 400
  • Turn rate reduced by 15%

Reaver is worse at dodging and shooting.
  • Turn rate reduced by 10%
  • Range 270 -> 265

Mason is slower to slow down Rover expansion.
  • Speed 72 -> 69

Ravager is tankier and better at hitting mobiles.
  • Health 1920 -> 2000
  • Projectile velocity increased by 5.7%

Minotaur is also tankier and better at hitting mobiles.
  • Health 6800 -> 7200
  • Projectile velocity increased by 2%

Krow bombs are easier to target and its laser now demands respect.
  • Manoeuvrability while bombing 25% reduction -> 25% increase
  • Speed while bombing is still reduced by 25%
  • Reduced cluster bomb spray angle by 6.6%
  • Increased laser fire tolerance by 10%
  • Laser range 383 -> 395
  • Laser DPS increased by 19%

Paladin is less manoeuvrable.
  • Speed 46.5 -> 43.5
  • Turn rate reduced by 10%
  • Torso turn rate reduced by 10%
  • Head turn rate reduced by 20%


Strike chassis gains a unique attribute at level 1.
  • Added innate jamming with 175 radius (matches Conjurer)

Guardian loses the free battle drone as it is too powerful.
  • Removed free battle drone on level 5.

Morph is slower but cheaper at higher levels.
  • Morph costs 75/100/650/200/300/400/500... -> 50/100/650/200/250/300/350...
  • Morph rate 10/15/20/25/30/30/30... -> 5/5/7.5/7.5/10/10/10...
  • Basic weapon cost 5 -> 25

The most common weapons mostly have damage nerfs while Flamethrower has a buff.
  • Beam Laser DPS reduced by 4%
  • Light Particle Beam DPS reduced by 8%
  • Disruptor Beam DPS reduced by 6%
  • Riot Cannon reload time 1.63s -> 1.8s
  • Riot Cannon range 300 -> 285
  • Rocket Launcher projectile velocity reduced by 6%
  • Rocket Launcher area of effect 96 -> 90
  • Flamethrower DPS increased by 13.6%

Team Economy

Constructing your economy as a team is easier as shared projects now generate shared payback.
  • Temporary payback for constructing mexes and energy is now proportional to the amount of resources spent on each structure, rather than only paying the owner.
  • Mex payback increased 50% -> 80%.
  • Energy payback increased 50% -> 60%.
  • Energy maximum payback rate increased by 6%.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the old mex payback to be closer to 35-40%.
  • Fixed payback sent to AFK players simply disappearing.

Unit AI

Some units gain the Ronin Lotus-fighting AI and other units shoot less at hidden mexes.
  • Added Lotus and running away on firing to Moderator and Scalpel.
  • Ogre only shoots at nearby hidden mexes, not though at max range.
  • Crab doesn't shoot at hidden mexes.
  • Krow now skirmishes everything to avoid enemies walking under it.
  • Tweak move clumping to be slightly more lenient for large units.


  • Added a work-in-progress alternate music track by Superintendent.
  • It can be enabled ingame under "Settings/Audio/Track list".


Zhurou (DRP) is a bit easier on Easy.
  • Shifted Detriments later on Easy.
  • Added an allied antinuke on Easy.
  • Added a player Fusion on Easy and Normal (for some energy leeway).

Hibiliha (Funnelweb) is also a bit easier on Easy.
  • Added Ultimatum temporary unlock.
  • Hampered initial enemy income on Easy by removing backline mexes and the remaining Fusions.
  • Thinned out initial enemy army on Easy.


  • Improved Pyro firing animation.
  • Ctrl+Click formation move now obeys current maximum move speed.
  • Merged unit spotter widget improvements from rollmops.
  • Adv Geo blast radius shows while placing Geos.
  • Tweak the antinuke range lines to be slightly thinner.
  • Placing a morphable structure with Ctrl held now queues the morph after completion.
  • Antinuke now gains one level per nuke interception.
  • The stealth tag is now supported for modding.
  • Right clicking on a unit in a factory now guards the factory. This avoids accidentally repairing rather than assisting. Queuing a command after guard cancels the guard, so the common use case is preserved.
  • Self destructing a large portion of your stuff now blocks the command and prints a warning, rather than automatically resigns. Note that resign is bindable for those that want it.


  • Saved 10% or so of allocated Lua memory.
  • Limited the commands created by large area attacks for performance reasons.
  • Reduced the complexity of Dirtbag animation at high unit counts.
  • Fixed overwriting existing guard commands with Shift sometimes not removing the command.
  • Fixed Caretaker guard order dropping logic.
  • Fixed rare build ETA crash for spectators.
  • Fixed a crash for mods that try to set fractional stun times.
  • Fixed some changes to the ingame menu for player based hosting (Skirmish and Steam Coop).
  • Fixed a mixup in skirmish behaviour between 2D and 3D range.
  • Fixed a value in the terraform raise/lower tooltip.
+18 / -0

2 years ago
core cloakbots have small nerfs

I thought they were all arm
+3 / -0

2 years ago


+0 / -0

2 years ago
arm cloakbots have small nerfs

Where did that come from? Were they so strong in 1v1?
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Wooo!! The new music is finally in the game!

More coming later this month!

(You need to change the settings from default in audio if you're looking for it)
+4 / -0
2 years ago
I really like the team economy changes.
Fixed payback sent to AFK players simply disappearing.

Where does it go though? AFK player units go to a specific player, so should the payback (the same player).
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Future Wars is broken a bit with this version.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Lots of amazing changes! Awesome!

If I enable the alternate music tracks in-game, is there an option to play both the old and new tracks? (and randomly pick between them or something?), because that would be even better!
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Where did that come from? Were they so strong in 1v1?

Mostly 1v1. Ronin skirming Lotus was quite strong and Reaver is very good with low support. The nerfs are relatively small though.

Where does it go though? AFK player units go to a specific player, so should the payback (the same player).

Economy payback technically goes to the AFK player. This was the simplest since it was the default behaviour once I fixed the bug. The metal is then shared equally between team mates due to overflow as AFK players have no storage. Not sending the payback at all would have meant people could go AFK with payback on their balance sheet and retain it forever, which would have been very messy for shared payback with non-AFK players.

If I enable the alternate music tracks in-game, is there an option to play both the old and new tracks? (and randomly pick between them or something?), because that would be even better!

There isn't, I made track a toggle option. To play both you could enable the default track and copy the new tracks to your local files and play them as local tracks.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Un grand MERCI for the Works !
+0 / -0
Minotaur/Ravager buffs seem excessive. Tankspam strategies seem more likely.

light particle beam got nerfed as I supected...I disagree with the nerf to the riot cannon as well, it already sacrifices a significant amount of dps to get that AOE.

At some point it's better to just range mod the basic beam laser instead of the other weapons. Getting enough range to brawl or even kite riots and small skirmishers early enough is often critical.

The strike chassis passively gets ~3 upgrades worth of regen, that's pretty good.

The flamethrower buff is nice, but several others are too weak/niche : missile launcher, heatray, hellfire grenade, shotgun, concussion shell

The drones also kind of suck since they got the range nerfed.
+3 / -0
2 years ago
I feel like the conjurer nerf might be too strong, it is now extremely slow. A few reavers + a conjurer ambushes are no longer viable.
+1 / -0
Also, when firing a nuke, anti range outlines are often not visible, am I the only one? My specs are Windows 11, AMD Ryzen 7 4700U and integrated Vega graphics.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Minotaur/Ravager buffs seem excessive. Tankspam strategies seem more likely.

I think it will take a lot for simple tank spam to become dominant, and if the strategy simply becomes viable, then mission accomplished.

light particle beam got nerfed as I supected...

Most of the best comm weapons had some kind of damage nerf. They are being balanced with respect to the rest of the game, not with respect to their old average power levels. Perhaps some of the less useful weapons will become better relatively speaking. I don't really want commanders brawling with light skirmishers. This is why I'm not looking to buff missile launcher or hellfire grenade. I am not so sure about jamming for Strike, but it was suggested, lacks a unique element, fits its cloaky theme, and should be fairly harmless.

I feel like the conjurer nerf might be too strong, it is now extremely slow. A few reavers + a conjurer ambushes are no longer viable.

Perhaps, but I think it would take a lot more to make cloaked Reaver bad in all situations. I think it will still be good, just perhaps not good in all situations. In any case I think people wanted a bit of a break from it so making it more situational seems like a good approach.

Also, when firing a nuke, anti range outlines are often not visible, am I the only one? My specs are Windows 11, AMD Ryzen 7 4700U and integrated Vega graphics.

Can you send a screenshot? I see them and the only change was a number in gl.LineWidth. The number isn't even fractional, which is one thing I'd suspect for graphics issues.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Antinuke now gains one level per nuke interception.

wha does that even mean?
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Most of the best comm weapons had some kind of damage nerf. They are being balanced with respect to the rest of the game, not with respect to their old average power levels. Perhaps some of the less useful weapons will become better relatively speaking. I don't really want commanders brawling with light skirmishers. This is why I'm not looking to buff missile launcher or hellfire grenade. I am not so sure about jamming for Strike, but it was suggested, lacks a unique element, fits its cloaky theme, and should be fairly harmless.

Commanders did get significant HP boosts for the early game compared to years ago.

Morphed commanders' ability to out-brawl light skirmishers is there anyway, there's just a narrowing of choice (range modding specific weapons), which is not a good thing.

A thing I forgot to mention is that the reduction in morph speed seems too harsh. Before the change, an all-in morphed com rush could be slightly unfair in some situations, but now it'll just take too long to get them combat-ready.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
wha does that even mean?

It means shameful decorated veteran feeding.

Maybe the nerf BP is too much. You should still be able to get a large comm though. On paper you can morph up to level 4 in about 3.5 minutes. The thing is that you have to start early rather than just morphing up as you approach the front line. Starting earlier reduces how much you can invest in economy and raiding at the start of the game, which is an overall nerf to comm morph rush strategies. This is intended. The BP nerf doesn't affect strategies which didn't spend morph resources fast enough to need the higher BP. Specifically targeting the most extreme comm rushes gives commanders more room to be better in the rest of the game.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
It's also nice that noob comm pinatas will not be fed into enemy frontlines as efficiently, since it will take much longer for them to waste the metal.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Weird, when spectating the battle again, I can see the nuke outlines. If I make a nuke in some next battle and the bug occurs again, I will post a screenshot.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
That slower commander upgrade also greatly helps in big team games, because less metal income of those lower rated players will be spent on morphing their commander
+2 / -0
Page of 2 (24 records)