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Is it possible to hitchhike around the world in 80 days

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without using any form of public transportation (except for in cities) and flying across the oceans or booking some cruise across the oceans?
What do you think?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
wait, so WITH hitchiking across oceans or not?
+0 / -0
2 years ago
imo no

What Is The Equator?

The Equator is the imaginary on the Earth’s surface that is equidistant from the two poles of the Earth, thus dividing the planet into the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres. The length of the Equator is about 40,075 km, and 78.7% of the imaginary line passes through water and the rest through the land.


so let say 8,000 km of land

How fast should I walk?
Walking speed will depend on your level of fitness and walking experience. Difficult terrain or travelling uphill and downhill also affects your overall speed. Assuming a level and firm pathway some general guidelines can be given below.

For a person with excellent fitness, an approximate moderate walking pace:
15 minutes per mile (4 miles per hour)
9 minutes per kilometre (6.4 kilometres per hour)


if u walk with MAX SPEED of 6.4 km/h and u walk for 14h a day u travel 89.6km a day x 80 = 7,168km so looks close but can u walk for 14h with speed of 6.4km/h

but i donno
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Climate Of Countries On The Equator
The countries on the equator generally have a tropical rainforest or equatorial climate. Distinct seasons are usually absent. In some places, however, cold currents trigger tropical monsoon climates accompanied by a dry season. The average temperature of the equatorial countries is around 30 °C during the day. Average annual rainfall is quite high at around 2,500 to 3,500 mm per year.


How did another soldier die training on a hot day after the SAS tragedy?

Carrying 25kg (55lb) of equipment, Cpl Joshua Hoole, 26, collapsed 400 metres from the end of an eight-mile course as the temperature built towards 30C (86F).


+0 / -0

2 years ago
Hitchhiking as in not paying for any travel, just getting a lift somewhere and then the next.
Sure, if you're charming enough.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I think limiting it to the equator is a bit too literal. For starters, the equator is mostly water. Going around the world without entering the arctic circle seems like a good start.
+0 / -0
yes.. may i suggest you hitchike in an aircraft of some kind idealy a hot air baloon (very fast speeds 273+ km/ph)

its been done many times and takes less then 1/16th of the time you allocated

but its cold at very high altitudes

+0 / -0
Sorry, I am not that fond about the southern hemisphere, but if we don`t assume you start in czech, wouldn`t it be the easiest to circle the southern arctic? Thats assuming there are actually flights across the pacific. Maybe thats a ridiculous question, i know, I just don`t have the time to research it right now.
Upsides: Very little landmass to cross, low number of visa required: South Africa, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, Australia (+ maybe Madagascar) I suppose...

Northern Hemisphere has the problem of getting through Central Asia, which is not very advisable completely alone afaik. I personally have been explicitely warned to NOT hitchhike in russia or get close to iran, afghanistan etc. and also had some mongolians literally tell me, I qoute: "Why do you want to go to mongolia? It is really easy to die there."
+0 / -0
2 years ago
ye i missed all the hitch in that hike...

but that even worse u get killed by crazy truck driver more then once a day
+0 / -0

2 years ago
the only problem is getting the body up to speed
+0 / -0

2 years ago
the only problem is getting the body up to speed

And high enough to cut down air resistance.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
world is like 40,000km around its waist, so 40,000/80 is 500km daily. so maybe..., you would have to have perfect pickup record and say average 60km/h trips in traffic giving you 8.3hours trip per day, so if you would ride with TIR guys and maybe catching some zzzzs while moving... it might fuck up your day-night shedule... but its borderline doable
+0 / -0
also you pussises never hiked or slept in ghetto conditions like tent in woods or wild sleeping at some villagers yard in tent or something. there are shitton of stories of hitchhikers doing it solo. even solo female hitchikers. you need like pepperspray and some street sense to see if someone is looking nicely. i read a journal book by hitchhikers that that hitchhiked northern hemispere around the world but they were doing it without money to look around, not for speed. also theres this where the hell is matt youtube guy that danced around the world in wierdest places ever including north korea. so yea. its usually safe, unless youre cruisin for bruisn and going diving into shitty neighourhoods.. if doing tourist routes and main routes its good.

people are good to eachother by default unless theyre some twisted govt personas

+0 / -0
rookstoo.. how do you know what people have done in there lives?

"also you pussises never hiked or slept in ghetto conditions"

incase you avoid the answer...

you dont..

and you dont know..
+0 / -0

2 years ago
also you pussises never hiked or slept in ghetto conditions like tent in woods or wild sleeping at some villagers yard in tent or something. there are shitton of stories of hitchhikers doing it solo. even solo female hitchikers.

How you know?
+1 / -0
because you spew fear based bullshit and noone questiones it with rationale that they actually did it and it wasnt that bad, or the other rationale that these days you have gps cellphones that can track you once something goes off so people on other end of it call local cops once something is up, like within 5 minutes... and that is because noone done it here, you dont have the mindset of possibilities, but mindset of "permitted" journeys...


+0 / -0
rook.. many people have done as you said and traveled the road.. you even posted a picture of somone traveling the road (guy with surf-board) so you understand some do... but your saying its not us.. this is not knowing..
ask us.. ask people if they have traveled the road .. and give it a chance.. maybe we will supprise you =)
+0 / -0
1. So because me (singular) saying something you conclude
also you pussises never hiked or slept in ghetto conditions like tent in woods or wild sleeping at some villagers yard in tent or something.


people are good to eachother by default

No, they are not. Your character is proof of that.
+2 / -0
people who are nice are often nice by default.. but people are not by default nice =P

mostly when you see nasty people its the result of bad experiences and is telling of a long and painful story
but it gets rather complicated when small things like saying no to somone having an icecream snowball into murder.. because a fair amount of evil stems from the lesser understood emotions like pride, desire and fear.. and its not always due to suffering or pain. to say the least its all rather oversimplified by what i said here.
+1 / -0
I am sorry for replying so late to the thread I started.
By hitchhiking around the world, I really mean stading beside a road with your thumb up and hoping somebody picks you up, no hot air baloons or hiking. I also did not mean that you must go around the equator, that seems unnecessary to me.
I am not sure how to fit crossing the ocean into the equation, though. If one was allowed to flight across the ocean, the challenge would be easy - according to these maps https://en.mapy.cz/s/fozepedohu , Prague to Hanoi is 12 000 km / 122 hrs of driving, which, with a speed of 6 hrs per day is like 21 days. Sure, with border crossings, etc., it would take longer, but it is still not much. USA is crossable in 8 days and once you get your final flight from New York to Spain/Western Europe, you are in Czech Republic in 3/4 days at max. But with ships, it might be much more difficult. There are some ways, supposedly, to cross the Atlantic and Pacific for free - you can work as a crew on some yacht and in return you do not pay for the journey. That would however require some ship sailing skills. I also thought that if one was able to get all the way up to Vladivostok, that maybe it would be ok just to take a ferry and pay for it (I would consider it to be ok according to the rules - the journey across Asia would be noticeably longer and there is still the ship, which is much slower than an airplane). Previously I thought that it would be even better to get further up and east, near Bering strait and find some ferry there, but looking at the map, it seems that that part of the world is even emptier than I thought, so that does not seem possible. Also, hitchhiking across Russia from West to East does not seem wise either (but getting through China to Vladivostok should be ok).
With ships, I think that 80 days around the world is quite realistic (waiting in the port for some time before the ship departs, a week or so across Atlantic, more across Pacific). What do you think?
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