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spread existing option to more units

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there is an option "fire towards enemy" for badgers. As this already exist it would be very handy to assign this also to firewalkers and merlins.

If a user enable this for 1-2 of his firewalkers he could create a death zone for cloaked units.

Otherwise he has every time to set manual fire zones which break on movements.

This option would be cool to remove some micro and let the player focus more on macro.

+1 / -0

2 years ago
issue is that as soon as the firewalker is made it would fire in the direction of the other team in the middle of your base and burn friendly units.
+0 / -0
no, it won't if that option is disabled by default like on the badger and is only selectively enabled for the 2-3 units to protect an designated areal.

also i set my merlins to default "hold fire" so it doesn't cause any friendly fire after production until i positioned it porperly and switched it to "fire at will"

+1 / -0
If you look, I think you will find that Firewalker does have this toggle available already.

Merlin does not, I assume because of (a) concerns about friendly fire and (b) it shouldn't be too onerous to micro a unit that costs 3.5k.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
OMG! I didnt know! sorry for bothering.

And I totally agree for the merlin you usually don't run a dozen of them on a map at the same time ...

+0 / -0