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custom starting position

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2 years ago
it would be super cool to be able to change the starting positions as in BAR.
would add map replayability and potentially fix some few maps bad starting pos.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Set AI spawn is an option in skirmish, and set start boxes is another.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
those options do not allow you to customize the starting position.
in BAR you can litterally adds/remove starting positions and set them however you like on the minimap in the lobby.

you can't do that in zero-k. all starting positions are fixed by the map. unless you choose to not use them and spawn anywhere.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
What is the usecase?
  • For messing with start boxes on public rooms we found that letting anyone draw startboxes was too chaotic. The best way to fix startboxes is to post on the map and get a change into the game, rather than having people try to fix boxes manually in the lobby every time the map coems up.
  • For messing with start boxes in private rooms, ideally you would be able to coordinate your friends well enough that saying "lets all start in this weird spot" would work.

I'm not saying nobody should do it. Just that it seems like work for something that can already basically be achieved. The pieces are all there technically if anyone wants to have a look.
  • Port the start box drawing UI from BAR.
  • Implement the startbox UI results as a base64 encoded modoption.
  • Unpack the modoption ingame to use the more advanced ZK startbox system to draw a series of rectangles.
+0 / -0