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underwater color / shader

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2 years ago
water should have either a wave shader, darker color or both. so underwater units wouldn't be as clear as unit not under water.
right now it is often hard to tell if a unit is really inside water or not.
+1 / -0
Sounds to me like your water is bugged. Post a screenshot.

When set to Bumpmapped your water should look like this:

+1 / -0

2 years ago
Definitely post a screenshot. We don't know what your water looks like.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
+0 / -0
That's /water 1. What you're looking for is /water 4, known as the "Bumpmapped" water type in the lobby settings.

If your water type is already set to "Bumpmapped" but your water is reset to /water 1 on loading a match, this is likely because you have ATI/Intel Compatibility set to "Automatic", which currently excludes all non-Nvidia cards from the setting of /water 4. To work around this, you can set ATI/Intel Compatibility in the lobby settings to "Off", though this may or may not cause issues if you do use an ATI/Intel GPU.

For the sake of resolving the issue linked above, to anyone lurking: would you mind stating your GPU (or at least GPU brand) and whether this issue affects you? If you do use an ATI/Intel GPU, do you experience any problems when turning ATI/Intel Compaitiblity off?
+0 / -0
2 years ago
i do have an amd cgu.
i'll try that.


it works, thanks!
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Huh, I think my water is having the same problem FRrankthelaststand's is, is there an easy way to take a screenshot in-game?

Also, something that's been happening for a looong time but I've never thought to mention it is:
The vision radius of moving units lags for me, even though nothing is lagging. It's like the vision radius only updates once a second or something, so it looks super choppy, is this a bug with the game or with my computer? I'm not 100% sure it happens every game since by now I've gotten used to it, but I think it does.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Yeah I can confirm that the units on my screen look exactly the same when they are underwater, and that the surface of the water has no texture when it isn't moving so it is very hard to tell if they are underwater or not.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Also, something that's been happening for a looong time but I've never thought to mention it is:
The vision radius of moving units lags for me, even though nothing is lagging. It's like the vision radius only updates once a second or something, so it looks super choppy, is this a bug with the game or with my computer? I'm not 100% sure it happens every game since by now I've gotten used to it, but I think it does.

Line of sight will look jagged and laggy if you are using the shaderless CPU-calculated fallback. I don't know of any setting that would cause this, so my guess is that your computer doesn't support enough shaders. Perhaps ask engine devs.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
on steam, use f12 for screen shot.
+1 / -0