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Super weaponized commanders?

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15 months ago

Commanders are not that useful in the late game. Could they be used as a game ending super?

Team with surviving commanders could use the commander units as a resource for a super weapon. The more commanders(with their levels counted too), the better the resulting super weapon. Commanders powered mobile unit? A remote controlled avatar of them all? Commanders help spin DRP faster? Or they have their own fancy something. Factory that makes better versions of regular units?

Total metal spent on coms could give a single unit worth all the combined metal. And/or modules morphed are given to the new unit.

Would give "stoip eat my comander" more impact. Keeping commanders alive would be more meaningful and killin'claiming opponents even more so. Capturing, rezzing etc etc.

Commanders could get option to start making the combined-effort super after certain amount of experience is gathered from combat? Coms gain and count exp, right?

Is this technically even possible?

+5 / -0

15 months ago
+0 / -0

15 months ago
I really WISH commanders were more useful.

Commander morph is quite simply a lobtrap at the moment. If I see a player above gold morphing a comm I know that he will be a net loss to the team. Commorph is that bad.

An amalgamated commander superweapon is a cool idea and worth pursuing imho.

But speaking for myself, I would settle for more module slots, not less as we have now. How about 10 upgrade levels instead of 6? Would that really break the game? Getting a commander to over level 12 is a major accomplishment in itself but it carries little reward beyond being a bomber magnet.

One of the coolest potential aspects of this game has been left to rot, and for seemingly no reason.
+3 / -0
15 months ago
in think the reason was that high level commanders are more or less just statsticks, with the unique choices coming from weapons and gadgets chosen.

I do think maybe morph could be a little cheaper for levels 3 and 4. Up to level 4 coms avoid the statstick nature, since most unique modules are chosen there.

Higher level coms usually keep their level 4 role and just stick on more stats
+1 / -0
15 months ago
Perhaps this can be done as in Supreme COmander - after a certain number of upgrades, a super weapon opens that can be hung on the commander and made into a very peculiar and exceptionally sharpened combat unit. At the same time, the creation of such weapons costs a huge amount of metal.

For example, in Supreme Comander, it was possible to make a laser that inflicted huge damage at a short distance, but at the same time the commander himself remained vulnerable. Or make a teleport that could teleport the commander to any place on the map.
+2 / -0
15 months ago
tbh, a teleporter module sound pretty nifty, anthena infiltration but without having go through the front.
But i feel like it would be a lobtrap most of the time, since it would need to semi expensive to be balanced for its possible usecases
+0 / -0
tbh, a teleporter module sound pretty nifty, anthena infiltration but without having go through the front.

Future Wars Strike/Ghost Comm: Do I not exist?!
+3 / -0

15 months ago
It's possible to make surviving commanders give teams some lategame boost. It seems a bit arbitrary though and I'm not sure it creates good incentives. People are less likely to use their commanders early if they can be traded in for some boost later.
+2 / -0
15 months ago
sounds like an amazing idea
+0 / -0
15 months ago

Then why do they give metal in the first place? To me ur statement seems like Schroedingers Cat when considering the current state. Could you please elaborate further on your current vision?
+0 / -0

15 months ago
Simply open up more upgrade slots for commanders and they might be worth more than 0 lategame. This will have virtually no impact on 1v1 because commorph is 1v1 is almost unviable
+2 / -0
15 months ago
People are less likely to use their commanders early if they can be traded in for some boost later.
Maybe their late-game-super worth could be combat experience based. Or, if metal-spent-on-morphs based, then its commorphing in base, which is pretty useless anyway. Or, if some combined super commander is created from modules of the commanders, then its again useless base morphing. Easier pushing for the enemy. But I see the problem, so, combat experience should be considered too. But that would be just one super among others, big risk keeping com in base and morphing if team ends up making zenith etc.

Coming from BA, zero-k coms were awesome spice.
+3 / -0
15 months ago
what if commander morph got cheaper with cost made with commanders?
that way its possible to move commoprh past inefficent resource usage, if theyre used well.
(to keep morphtimes the same maybe still use full E cost?)

im not sure if they levels could be made free with enough cost killed, or cost made should have diminishing returns, so theres still a base cost to be payed

+1 / -0
15 months ago
Having a mod which removes cap for all those servo/range/health upgrades could be fun
+2 / -0

15 months ago
Then why do they give metal in the first place? To me ur statement seems like Schroedingers Cat when considering the current state. Could you please elaborate further on your current vision?

That's a good point. Metal income exists to give some risk/reward tradeoff for using your commander, and they are meant to be juicy targets. The difference between metal income and buffing superweapons is:
  • Metal income is most relevant early in the game, when commanders are a larger percentage of your income, so the sting of the loss reduces over time.
  • Metal income is relevant all the time to all strategies, it isn't just targeting one approach (superweapons).
Missing out on a superweapon buff isn't something people would think about at the start of the game as there is a decent chance of most games not having superweapons. So it doesn't seem like a fun kind of penalty to plan around.
+0 / -0
15 months ago
This thread wasnt about more modules or morph cost etc changes for coms.

Just surviving commanders pooling for a super weapon at later stages of the game. Preferably a super commander unit made from basic coms and their morphed mods.

One more super weapon option, but is it needed really? I see no harm in it. Spice.
A bit more of what to do with commanders -game. Do I want to keep my level 10 at the front or join in with the others for something truly awesome, a chance for a metal evolution peak moment. Rez or reclaim drama... Do I want to morph levels, go front or play safe base. Do I want to kill enemy commanders even more than before?

Well, what GF said, but I dont have that level of thinking so I fail to see the negatives really so far.

+0 / -0

15 months ago
Technically you can reclaim your commander for 80% of its value. This can be spent on superweapons. Morphed commanders give more metal.
+1 / -0

14 months ago
Not too excited about a commander superweapon, personally. Sounds superhero-ish.

But I think it would be pretty cool if commanders could eventually, though many upgrades, morph into a rival to Paladin. This would be at a higher cost, meaning that you'd also have to be using the thing (risking it) all the way in order to justify that extra cost.

Also... this upgrade process would take time. So you could adjust the time requirement up and economic requirement down, leading to a situation where it is reasonable that there is an increasing number of mega-comms as the game drags on. These could be built in ways that are unpleasant to defeat.
+1 / -0
14 months ago
Not too excited about a commander superweapon, personally. Sounds superhero-ish.

But... pretty cool if commanders... morph into a rival to Paladin... mega-comms as the game drags on

Same but different huh.

How to rename topic to "commander modules and morphing discussion"?
+0 / -0

14 months ago
Same but different huh.

The commander as the super-thing vs the commander as a resource, the way I read it.

How to rename topic to "commander modules and morphing discussion"?

Make that "yet another commander modules and morphing discussion".
+0 / -0
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