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How to beat halberd?

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Halberds seem to win any matchup against light units when amassed.
There is no visible way to stop a halberd push. Felons Faradays delay, but do not stop.
The only strong matchup I detected was either spending resources on ultimatums (to get an equal cost), tons of riot units (like rippers), but there does not seem to be a way to stop a halberd push before it hits something.

Any ideas?
+1 / -0
19 months ago
If they're blockading, having area stunners like imps maybe? Bring in riots with armor avoidance turned on to pick out the assault units
If they're pushing by themselves, I'm not quite sure. They are soft when shooting, but honestly if you're opponent is playing hovers you should have a solution prepared in case that happens, before it happens. Keep some rippers in base always and reavers are better assaults anyways
+1 / -0
19 months ago
Build a raised newton and push them away - works until they use skirmishers or arty to kill the newton.
+1 / -0
19 months ago
I don't believe their defense helps against capture, emp , disarm, or slow damage.
+0 / -0

19 months ago
A lot of dominatrix could work, but you would need a LOT to capture the halberds fast enough before they cause any damage or kill the dominatrix themself. Another idea is snitches to lower down the halberds health by at least 40% and then some high DPS units like reaver to finish it off OR imps to stun the halberds after their health is lower and do whatever you want, like capturing them.
+0 / -0
19 months ago
buoy :D
+1 / -0
High DPS raiders.
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19 months ago
Do you want to stop them going through or beat them in a standup fight?

Because a lot of units will work for the latter (e.g. any raider, riot or assault) while the former is much much harder. Probably most easily accomplished by a terraform wall.

In practice your don't normally need to stop the Halberds, just have your glaives/scorchers keep pace with them so that they can be properly murdered once they unarmor to attack.

Aside: Their defences do help against capture, emp, disarm and slow and Buoy really won't work. Enough snitches will work, but it's a bit tricky to get them into place and detonate them at the right time (Halberds often on hold fire).
+1 / -0
If I were going to use a bomb against Halberd I would probably prefer it to be Imp (faster movement speed, and Halberd is often going to be in and around your own units when you want to detonate).

Felon definitely doesn't sound good. Even unarmoured Halberd is still a tougher (hp/cost) target than Felon prefers to fight. Buoy's biggest problem is that Halberd is much faster and will never give the Buoys a fight that they want.
+0 / -0

19 months ago
Imp does sound better now that you point it out. Though the smaller AoE hurts and the fact they stack badly means they aren't going to work well vs armored halberds (as one imp will stun the others, preventing them from going off).

Buoy seems to lose very badly in a standup fight vs halberds in sandbox. Even in a 1v1 they'll lose, and when massed their unit AI will target the lowest HP Halberd, which means it gets overslowed while the others can charge in. The armored form also lets them approach with near impunity.
+0 / -0
19 months ago
How has placeholder never been mentioned? Easily the cheapest counter to prevent them from running in and killing your squishy stuff. Works best on Hold fire though.
I think I would also add dart to the list of counters due to the slow and also their movement speed and low cost. in a pinch, they might buy you enough time to perhaps save some of your units and give time for reinforcements to arrive.
+3 / -0

19 months ago

Whoops, I said "felon" when I meant "faradays." Felons are not base defense lol, my bad
+0 / -0

19 months ago
Upon some tests, the jumpbot riot stops halberds COMPLETELY in their tracks, being (by far) the best counter for their cost, invalidating the halberd runby completely.

Of course, it is always cheaper to try and make a wall in weird spots than let weird halberds come by unnoticed.

Pyros seem to fair the best against direct attack on halberds, as they both soften halberds up and deal massive damage.

Overall, as it was well-stated, the biggest problem with halberds is stopping them before they destroy the entire base. The rest is clean-up.

The question is answered.

Bonus note: Jumpbots seem to hard-counter hovercraft in general, it's worth considering
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