Hey! This Topic here is inspired by Logix's "Opinions on Logix", i thought to myself, why not do the same? Are there any requirements in behavior in me that need to be changed/improved, as there have been people complaining about it seemingly, and i want to make a change if necessary. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks! Edit: I do not know if this is off-topic or not, as some topic/s similar to this have been posted as far as i know.
+2 / -3
I don't understand the usefulness of ad personam posts. What are they for? Or is it ironic towards EGO-   Logix?
+3 / -1
Zero opinion whatsoever before this post. Less than positive opinion after reading this post. (please don't make this sort of thread a trend..)
+2 / -1
I find these kinds of posts to be both very funny and engaging, letting people know what others think about them, their playstyle and "vibes". As for my opinion, I dont think I have played too many games with you. However, I do have a positive view of you :D
+3 / -0
I think I'm inclined to agree with Chaplol. Maybe there should be a single thread for this kind of thing. But also, if the players don't actually improve their behavior, there is no point, it could be interpreted as an ego thing. And so far, from my experience, Logix hasn't (pinging is still excessive), but I'll wait a bit more. As for Fortress, I've had a bad game with him, where he had 0 army value, yet complained the most and resigned early. It really baffles me when people who have nothing but their com and maybe a strider or a super to control or "just build eco" for 40 minutes* act in such disruptive ways, as if they are actually under pressure of fighting a frontline, controlling many units, thinking of how to advance or fighting a greater amount of higher skilled players. There is 0 pressure on you and you put more on your teammates. And then you say "if no one will scout I will waste a nuke". Why? What is the point of wasting a nuke? Just to spite your team? From this, I can only assume you let your emotions take over you. * [Spoiler]Effects of such unit-less gameplay can be argued to be positive or negative, zero-k is a very complex game and it is hard to evaluate the correctness of this type of play. Of course, it is a widely accepted type of play that sometimes wins games too. Sometimes it may contribute to concentration of metal in the hands of higher skilled players and allows them to focus on making units exclusively, other times it hurts the team by stretching their micro skills and attention thin. I have nothing against people who play this way, as long as their communications and actions are not severely disruptive.
+0 / -0
What would be beneficial I think is if we had a thread about behavior people disliked. These kinds of posts directed at specific people aren't super helpful if the people creating them aren't a major problem in the community.
+6 / -0
I guess since you asked for feedback: so, on the good side, you're really really eager about the game and that's really good. You don't play bad, you don't grief your team. you're fine in-game, just another lobster. You're mainly just annoying. You're the kind of person that would get hanged/ejected in a amogus/ToS game despite being confirmed crewmate/townie. the way you talk is obnoxious and over the top and gets on the nerves of some players (usally the tryhards >w<). I guess one thing you should try is to avoid caps and message spam. Instead of, say, "GUYS" "GUYS" "GUYS" "I GOT A DETRIMENT" try "Guys guys guys I got a detriment" or just "detriment ready" I agree partially with   Shaman. I don't think such a thread is neccecary. most zk players are chill. I am open to a thread of funni lobster plays tho, esps if it's blue and purp lobbery
+1 / -0
I like how you match my energy but without the harsh negativity like I have (spamming pings, yelling at low elo teammates, making my team feel worthless, drowning in guilt or anger towards me, ruining their day...) Overall I say people like you more than me, but I am more skilled at the game than you.
+1 / -0
I think about the flying fortress every night when I close my eyes. Many of our strongest Sons never came home from flying or waist gunning a B-17
+2 / -0
16 months ago
Yeah Stuff, i agree with you, i am quite "energetic" (well in a obnoxious sort of way), i call it. I am trying to rid myself of that negative behavior. Thank you for the feedback.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
Well yes gooseman, i agree with you with the high-value unit, but nothing else-part. However i do not do that quite often. Thank you for the honest feedback. Btw: I apologize for my poor english.
+0 / -0
Making this puts more of a target on you, and makes it seem like you like problems
+0 / -1
16 months ago
I don't exactly agree with your statement there, MrJigglesGod.
+0 / -0
If you learned anything from the last post, its literally all common sense. dont spam ping, dont talk shit, dont spec cheat, dont pause. do those things and its ez lmfao. The only thing stopping more of these posts is a ID verification cause this seems like highschool stuff lol.
+0 / -1
16 months ago
MrJigglesGod, well you're just listing the ideal behavior. I meant to list some aspects of my current that need to be improved.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
I was simply asking for some simple advice lol.
+0 / -0
Lets be honest, getting a detri calls for more celebration :D Giant robot of doom? should def have some confetti pop up
+1 / -0