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Rise up against shields!
Embrace natural armor!

For too many games, the sheields reward brute force more than careful positioning, target-selection, and unit coordination.
Gone are the days when shields were used to delay advancements. The rise of shields is today, but so is the counter-technological advancement!
Natural armor promotes TRUE cooperation instead of cluster-hives!

Do not let propaganda stop you! Fight back against shields, reject shields of your own, use natural armor! Let us unite together to stop their cumbersome threat!

(Signed: The Sheild Hater)
+0 / -0
16 months ago
Propaganda by shield haters.
+1 / -0

16 months ago
Quick backstory for this:
I like being peaceful in Zero-K. No fighting, no ambushes, only enough to make the scores even. Shieldbots, on the other hand, stab that goal in the toe, because the best way to play against shields is to constantly deplete them, or the shieldball steamrolls the other team. It was meant to increase survivability, while it promotes assaults on the enemy team.
- The Sheild Hater
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Of course, it's better to NOT erase shieldballs entirely! Their difficulty creates challenge, and challenge creates opportunity, opportunity creates strength! The point of the movement is to figure out simple ways to deal with shieldbots: Attack on Titan style, guerilla-warfare themed, with a hint of rebellion, not to merely "ignore" the problem.
Sign up any day!
- The Sheild Hater
+0 / -0