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Information about script status

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is there an easy way to have games and see if someone uses scripts or just the default ZK widgets?
I know. In a long term this would end up in a AimBot discussion.

Let's keep it simple.
+0 / -0
e.g. when I would play 1 vs 1 ... I do not want to care about the fact if my enemy uses custom scripts.
+0 / -0

5 months ago
It could exist if it doesn't already. Needs a ticket to start with.
+0 / -0

5 months ago
like this? https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/5134
+1 / -0
The short answer is yes but no.

There is no authorative way to determine if an opponent is running nondefault scripts without locking luaui which would defeat the purpose. Essentially whatever report you get from the client can be tampered with due to the nature of how widgets and luaui works. Sure you can make things report to you, but the report resides in client land which is user modifiable. LuaRules does not have means to access luaui information without crossing into luaui land. Anything in luaui is trivially reprogrammable.

There's multiple ways to go about this:

- Ofuscation of widget names, assuming a list of widgets is provided. All it takes is a malicious actor naming their widgets just spaces or some obscure/benign sounding name, or even replacing default code of some obscure widget that has limit use (say the widget that makes pings smoke).
- Tampering with the report itself and always returning a default setup. There's no way to make the code server side (ie gadget) to see client side information.
- starting widgets up via a handler widget using method one post check.

A better solution would be to just lock luaui for 1v1s and call it a day. There's even a modoption for it already.
+0 / -0

5 months ago
Keep in mind that cawidgets.lua is locked. To get around it you would need to edit the game file itself rather than just drop a file into LuaUI. Someone who does that should figure out that what they're doing is unintended, and it is probably even detectable via game hash.
+0 / -0
5 months ago
There is no authorative way to determine if an opponent is running nondefault scripts without locking luaui which would defeat the purpose.
I think there is value in having some way to list active widgets without assuming "the most evil hacker". I mean "the most evil hacker" could already do other very useful things (hint: starts with fog and ends with war) and still we play the game despite that.

Based on the discussions and widgets released around the forum I think there is quite a population that would not mind that the list of widgets is shared for various reasons (fame, curiosity, etc.).

+0 / -0