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Make jump for all commanders

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12 years ago
Fighting with jumping commanders is a lot fun and really interessting!
So I want to suggest strongly:

Make jump a basic ability for ALL comclasses!

You may differ jump reloadtime and range, but let all coms make at least a "hop".

Jump is just too great for gameplay to reduce it to one class.

PS. I assume that Saktoth will delete this thread from time to time. I will repost it then, but your comments will be lost, so better save them on your computer too.
+0 / -0
Yeah and give every unit lasers. And let every unit walk through water. And let them fly too. Cloak and shield link is fun and really interesting too...

Shit, ZK has too many interesting things. I think it needs to be redone from scratch.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I was serious with the jump suggestion.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I was serious when trying to explain why this would be bad.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Lol no. Jump is a very powerful ability and because of that it must be balanced by giving recon com less HP, less income, and less powerful weapons.
And even with all these drawbacks it is still awesome com chassis and this only shows how powerful and useful jump is.

If you want jump on all coms just base all your custom coms on recon chassis, problem solved.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I find jump most useful in evading bombers and such, giving the jump com probably the best front line survivability, making it available to all commanders might not be the best solution, it would be far more interesting to give each some way of surviving a bombing run or such

Some of my ideas:

-Support comm > short range teleport(shorter than jump com range, OR same range and random direcction, for balance)

-Strike comm > "Hammertime" - pushes itself sideways (either to it’s left or to it’s right at random) in the way units are pushed by collisions, whit reasonably high speed

-Battle comm > either a crabe-like ability to "Dig in" while stationary OR something along the lines of "magnetize" where the comm stuns itself for a small amount of time in order to receive some kind of super-shield for an even smaller amount of time

Note: I have tried to think of things that make the comms better survivors behind the front, not on it so I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m asking for them to be buffed or such
+0 / -0
I like UnbreakbleNoobs ideas too...

With reconcom you can do something, a special movment by pressing j.
This possibility would also great for the other coms.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I was thinking a while ago that ZK would probably be better if no com had the ability to jump at lvl 1 (it would be an upgrade). Being able to jump to a normally inaccessible spot at start and plopping a factory there is a mechanic I'm not a fan of. It makes many maps play weirdly, and makes cliffs less important. Terrain should be important.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You express a valid point but on the other hand the only factories that are plopped on terrain you can only jump to produce units that can take advantage of it, it makes sense to place a spider or air factory out of the reach of ground vehicles and raiders if possible.(well... to me at least)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ideally i'd like jump to be a module, make it level 2, and removing innate bonuses so level 2 is cheaper to get to.

But it's pretty well balanced ATM with the jump com having the ability to engage/disengage at any time and dodge projectiles but having much less HP than the other comms.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Levels 3 and 4 should only cost 300.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Other coms dont have jetpacks. And yes it is really well balanced. Wanna more M income then choose support com and sit in the base coz it really sux in the battlefield, want jump you get less m and less hp.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I have to agree with Rafal. Making jump for all commclasses would practically nullify any point the recon chassis has, what with how almost everything else about it sans movement speed is worse than the other chassises. Considering how slow commanders use, the only real help the extra movement speed isn't for retreating so much as it is for offensive micromanagement.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The key to any strategy game is the capacity for tactical choices.

Any change that removes tactical choices, is a bad change.

Ergo, this is a BAD change.

I do agree with the unbreakable noob in that comms are too easy to be bombed, so early in the game.

How about an ECM module...

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Basic point:

If jump is so much better then does everyone get a jump-capable com? If so, then there is a balance problem and the jump com should be nerfed or others buffed. If not, then what is the problem? If YOU want a jump-capable com always, then by all means pick it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Basic point:

Jumping commanders are so interesting and fun that its good to force that game mechanic!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
> so interesting and fun that its good to force that game mechanic!

Well I think fire is fun. We should give all coms fire, too!
I think the way that planes can fly is fun, we should make coms fly!
I think the way units can cloak is fun, we should make all coms cloak!

Do you see the problem with this? What is "fun" about an RTS is the ability to choose how you want to have fun. If jumping coms is fun for you, use a jumping com! I personally do not find jumping fun, so I usually use a support com. See that? There is a mechanic I did not like, so I chose not to use it. If you gave support com jump, you would have to nerf it some other way, and that would make me a sad panda.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
karacho... while I agree that jump comm is currently the most interesting to fight with making jump universal is not the answer, I have been thinking about this ,and in my opinion, if the devs want to implement additional abilities, it would be best if they where available as modules that can be equipped at level1 and give the other comms something to do with the Jump key at the cost of starting without the E-cell or autorepair system (or other thing) they could have had instead, so everyone can decide what best suits their stile and go with that.

For example: I use jump comm quite often, but I would love to troll recluses and such by sliding out of the way of the rockets while shouting "can’t touch this"

This way balance is preserved since only the jump comm. has such an ability by default with the others becoming capable of choosing something (more or less) similar (but still unique) at the cost of one system slot .
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I like unbreakablenoob ideas. Through needs some balancing its a nice idea and it will create more diversity between coms.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Let me summarize this thread... "I want to have my cake and eat it too".
+0 / -0
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