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Please turn off split command or make it a vote.

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10 months ago
Please PLEASE PLEASE either disable split command, or make it a vote.
It is actively killing lobbies constantly.

I loaded up the game today, joined the room which was running.
Started watching some videos in a window over the lobby.
Waited for 30min for the game to end.
Notice that the game has ended and click on the lobby to find I am now in a room with 2 other people.
Switch back to the actual lobby which has now started the game.
Well OK then guess I go watch videos for another HOUR.

This is NOT a good user experience when anyone can split the lobby instantly.
It has been happening every night now with a big lobby that there are splits.
All that happens is everyone leaves one room and joins back to the other.

The other outcome is that the high elo lobby instantly starts to stop low elo getting in. The low elo lobby then plays 1 game where a bunch of not quite high enough elo players have to carry the team in an excruciating match. The game ends and everyone then leaves that lobby. If the two games take a different time to finish then now players might need to wait another 10-40min for a game.

+2 / -0
10 months ago
Disabling or making the split command subject to a vote could really help.

Altough I don't think many will want to take concrete action towards that...
+0 / -3

10 months ago
Counter proposal, limit lobby sizes. Then you have more matches going at the same time and you don't have to wait so much in the first place.
+5 / -6
10 months ago
Counter proposal, limit lobby sizes. Then you have more matches going at the same time and you don't have to wait so much in the first place.

people want to play in large lobbies though. that's why the split is so disruptive; everyone races back into the original.
+2 / -0
10 months ago
I get the distinct impression that the devs/mods only implemented this as an experiment as a means to collect data.

So, an alternative: instead of a vote for splitting the channel, have a vote for splitting OR to remove the roomsize limit for the next match. Giving us the option between the two is a great way to force a specific kind of data collection that's not being done -- the sort that actually answers questions that both devs and players are interested in answering.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
Ideally, the vote should also include an option to keep the limit and prevent the split.
+0 / -0
I get the distinct impression that the devs/mods only implemented this as an experiment as a means to collect data.

I would advise asking about the intentions of the developers rather than making assumptions about them.

actually answers questions that both devs and players are interested in answering.

I, for one, am very uninterested in finding out the inevitable conclusion that inertia and each individual choosing the least-risk-in-short-term option will lead to a 25v25 that will lag out after ten minutes.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
Alrighty then in response to your advisement: what's the point?
+0 / -0
10 months ago
I'll defer that question to AUrankAdminGoogleFrog.
+1 / -0
10 months ago
Is the split now done immediately after the game? (I think so). This would be quite bad as there are always some players that will spectate / go away so you end up with less people in a host.

Not sure if possible but maybe we should make two things:
  • participate in a game only if you voted yes to start - this would solve also all those restarts where 1 or 2 people are away so game cannot continue (I was in games that had 4 exists and restarts - that is not great either).
  • let everyone vote (do not have a waiting list) - then you can split only if there are enough players for two hosts
+0 / -0

10 months ago
Some sort of split seems to be necessary. Without it, we saw games where 45 people were trying to play a 32 player game. The extra room required for these players does not make itself, with good reason. Seeding a new room is very risky as it needs a critical mass for actual games to happen.

The goal is for the single room to be able to smoothly turn into two rooms when the player count swells, then smoothly turn back into one room in the off hours. Otherwise, the peak core teams playerbase will be limited to the size of the teams room, unless some sudden influx gets us past the awkward zone in which seeding a second room is too risky. I just don't think the teams playerbase is going to grow if it clusters into one room. There is some point where people look at the waiting list, and give up.

Various forms of making new rooms were tried in the past, but they all failed in similar ways. The waiting list was added about a year or so ago to let a split system distinguish between true spectators and players who want to play. This meant the system could split when there were 40 potential players, rather than just 32.

The new split seemed to be working for a while. The splits are tracked and I've analysed the majority that happened since the system was added six months ago, and at least half seemed to result in more games. Here is an example from the 23rd of March:

A split occurs, then both rooms persist for multiple decent-sized games. Extra people found a game to play.

Here is one from a month ago:

The first split created a room that persisted for 3 games, then the second split failed.

Overall, the system seems to be on the cusp of working. It has a decent chance of creating a persistent second room, which is more than previous systems could achieve. What I really need is some detailed accounts of what happened during this splits, why they succeed or fail, because all I have is logs.

For example, I suspect split tends to fail more often when it follows a 1-hour game, or when the peak activity time has passed and the games are winding down over the next eight or so hours. So one question I have is when do people split, does it happen right after the game has ended, before the players figure themselves out?

Splits seem to be failing unusually often in the past two weeks or so. Can anyone report on why? I have some hypotheses:
  • High ranked players have found a way around the rejoin restriction, and enough of them use it to go back to the old room so the new room dies. This is supported by the fact that someone told me they knew a way around the split, around a month ago, (that they used for when their party is split), and by the fact that the high rank room is the one that has died in recent splits. In previous months, cases of room death were randomly split between high and low rank.
  • Something changed on the technical end to remove the secret sauce that kept the system afloat. All I can think of is the release from the 7th of April that fixed the bug that caused high rank spectators to split to the high rank room as a player. I speculated at the time that this bug may well have propped up the life of the high rank room, because suddenly becoming a player forces the previous spectators to re-evaluate whether they would actually like to play the game that is now in front of them. Perhaps that speculation was true.
  • This is random noise. Some splits fail, and we get a split every few days, so there are going to be runs of weeks where all the splits fail.

It could be that we're out of the honeymoon period, but usually with things like this people don't like it at the start, then get used to it. So a backlash six months on would be unusual. Another thing to take into account is the cost of failure. The failed splits I've looked into tend to have the same players as the battle before, which indicates that a failed split doesn't leave a whole bunch of people out of playing. One or two might not notice and be lost, but mostly people are making it back to the room.

Anyway, I've increased the 32 player split threshold to 44, because the split failure rate seems a bit too high. We have to accept some failure rate, just as we accept some rate of games being !exited during placement due a problem, because that is just life. But the rate should be kept low enough for most people to trust the system.
+10 / -0
To me the issue seems to be a couple at-odds things:

- It's technosolutionism to a cultural problem.
- It's exceptionally jarring and made more-so by how infrequently it happens.

In my experience, that sort of solutionism leads to a general feeling of "eh I'm good today". A headsup or volunteer pool could be nice to avoid those feelings.

But if the goal is to improve player experience, while maybe even building towards an improved framework for a better implementation of this splitting -- why not fix the voting system so that we can have multiple votes at the same time? I'm only suggesting this because it feels like a lot of time, energy, and thought has gone into something that's so infrequent while this glaring issue has persisted for so long.

To be clear, I'm suggesting this as someone who does a ton of free work all the time out of principle. Loud randos telling you you're not working on the right thing is pissingly awful. But I hope you can appreciate the suggestion.
+0 / -0
From what I remember of the code which implements votes, trying to make multiple votes in one room at the same time work (with no server-breaking bugs ever) is a far from trivial task. As in, I expect it is possible, but it's definitely not low hanging fruit.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
- It's technosolutionism to a cultural problem.
It's not a cultural problem, it's an optimization problem: "How can we have as many people playing as possible overall?". Can't comment on the fitness of current the solution, but the culture part seems orthogonal, I for example would play smaller games if given the choice, so it's not like waiting for a 16 v 16 to finish means you will play only the 16 v 16 game ... But as long the split has no clue if people want to play more (maybe they need a break) and what is their preference (large/small) it can be frustrating I guess.
+0 / -0

10 months ago
It's a technical solution to a tragedy of the commons situation. Solving such situations culturally, for a "general public", is difficult because everyone's local incentives point towards continuing the problem.
+4 / -0
I think you might be right that the code that stops people rejoining the split lobby is broken somehow. Everyone just seems to leave it immediately. (My memory might be wrong on this), or maybe it was only working in one direction.

From the splits I have experienced they happened very soon after a game ended. Usually in large 32 player games about 3-5 people leave so having a small waiting list here is fine.
If the split happens before those people leave you end up in a smaller lobby and then the impact of 5 players leaving is much more obvious. Due to some weird sheep behaviour often a lot more people then follow them to spec and you end up with a small teams game.

It seems split is more useful when there are way too many people in the lobby and even after say 5-6 people spec or leave the players waiting don't get into the game. So having the threshold at like 40+ would seem to make sense.
What was the threshold before you changed it?

Another thing that might help visibility of waiting players is to put all players that are not actually playing in the current game into the waiting list. Currently if you join the lobby mid game you appear in the players list even though you are not in the game.
If the waiting list appeared to be much larger (too the point it could support another game) then maybe people are more likely to call a split mid game (is this possible?) and start another game.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
I personally often strongly prefer large games over small games.
Since a split game in unlikely to be 16v16, ending up in the smaller lobby is effectively "you are randomly banned from playing now", and I either join an open coop game, or quit entirely (and I'd much rather have to spectate for a game when joining a full lobby, than be forced into another lobby where I don't want to play).

I'd like a system where players/waitlisters can volunteer to join a new lobby (somehow displayed next to the player list), and once enough players volunteer they are moved to the new room - that should serve the purpose of finding a game for "surplus" people to play, while also preserving the agency of the players to choose what kind of game they are interested in.
+0 / -0
If the split only happens at game start and only if there are >= 44 players, this does still not solve the problem of unnecessarily long waiting times. Most of the time, a big team game is running and it is practically impossible to start another one during this time because everybody only joins that running game.

A waiting list of a running room should simply not exist. Then, people would join another room instead. It should only be possible to join a running room to spectate it or if you are actually playing in it.

Additionally, when a non-password-protected team game ends, its players could be moved to the largest non-running non-password-protected teams room so that being in this room ensures to get in the next game. But this is not even necessary.
+1 / -0

9 months ago
I'm not sure that is how it would go in practise. There will be some range of sizes where the waiting list is the difference between people making a new room, or just sitting in this one. But below that, and the new game will have trouble getting off the ground, while above that, I expect people to eventually make a new room. What is to stop people spectating the running game, then joining it in a frenzy when it ends?

By the timing of your post, it sounds like you were part of the split that happened two hours ago. I would like to know what happened, what actions did people take and what caused them to move around. Why did the split fail? Have people figured out a way around it, and enough people implement these workarounds to bring the system below the coordination threshold?
+0 / -0
9 months ago
An easy workaround is to spec yourself before the split then just rejoin.
+0 / -0
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