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How to deal with Racketeers?

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10 months ago
When dealing with any enemy, I like to have 1-3 units that are well-positioned enough to be hard to deal with. The problem is, this mindset has a hard time dealing with racketeers. But unlike racketeers, 1-3 units require the enemy to be cautious of my position and units. But unlike 1-3 units, racketeers force my guerilla squad to be forced into retreat.

It would be easier if there was some kind of unit that can help distract the racketeers, but they can just retarget or target every unit if the squad is large enough.

It would be easier if the racketeer's projectile was only fast enough to hit big targets, but no, it homes onto the small targets too.

It would be easier if racketeers couldn't make cost easily, but even if I have tons of units, they can disable my important units like riot, heavy artillery, or even aegis meant to deflect racketeers. And while your army sits in the back, racketeers always disable the right units. Not to say that the enemy can make aegis to protect racketeers from artillery.

Cloaking units is meaningless when racketeers hit targets too fast, unless you plan to uncloak one unit to bait racketeer shots.

I could monospam the same unit over and over again, but that risks the monospam from being too slow or too fragile to beat a... shieldball.

The only good thing I can say about racketeers is that they invalidate shieldballs of the opponent's team, and that will never stop me from smiling.

Clearly, what one needs to beat racketeers is advanced understanding of attrition. Can someone tell me a general strategy for dealing with racketeers?

An example game: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1908297
Note: We lost for more than one reason in that game, and I did a stupid by building a grizzly against the racketeers. I'm looking for tips on how to win that matchup.
+0 / -0

10 months ago
Forgot to mention: The disarm duration is so high that if a unit gets stunned, he gets stunned forever.
+0 / -0
10 months ago
Use emp silo to take down racketeers. His racketeers barely moved, had no detection, no heavy support. They are extremely vulnerably to cloked units. Rally them near base and keep clocked until upon the racketeers, even imps could work.

It was not really a shield ball(no outlaws for imps)(no thugs,felons or rogues). As amph, duck spam would work really well, beating bandits and racketeers, even with some limpets to help.

All of these solutions would still be less than the grizzly and fusion.
The worst thing vs racketeer is expensive units.
+1 / -0
10 months ago
Also coordinate with your team when to attack so that you outnumber the racketeers
+1 / -0

10 months ago
raketeers are anti-heavy. shield also has no "real" artillery but roketeer instead.

swarm them with raiders. probably not feasible when they hide inside shieldball.

ambush with cloaked units.

ambush with lobbed army, closing the gap in range. multiple lobs with 2+ lobsters bring more joy.

kill with counter-battery fire from your real artillery (or snipers).



bertha or other silly expensive SW
+1 / -0

10 months ago
Cloakbot ambushes & team coordination. Aye, I can do with that.
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