I was thinking about how to improve the defense/attack dynamic in the game. So, here are my propositions.
The defense side has a big bank that lets it expand quickly. However, once that bank is depleted, the defense cannot regain resources.
The offense side has only one fortification. This fortification is way stronger than the offensive one, but the offense player's logistics are so terrible that they might as well be null. (Maybe because their overdrive is ridiculously inefficient)
The defense can invest energy into a superweapon that counters the offense's defenses.
The offense can invest infinite metal supply to attack the defensive team.
To encourage variety in the game, the game has to have 3 stages. During the first stage, the defense has 3 cores. The cores can produce units. Every time a core is lost, the defensive player gets a bunch of metal as a compensation (and in one way or another, they get faster energy supply, so they can build superweapon faster) Somehow, the offensive player gets bonus income, but I don't care about such small details.
Preferred gamemode template: 1v1v1v1 FFA
Feel free to discuss the idea further. I will answer the first question I'm asked, even if it's about golf balls.