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Are there records for players in Party in TAW?

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I'm often getting invites as soon as I log in.
I assume I am not the only one.
That makes me think it is common for players to try to squeue the balancer by creating a party small enough to tip the scales but not big enough to be broken up.
Or does the balancer even take parties into account at all these days?
+1 / -0
4 months ago
I've heard it does take them into account unless it thinks every instance of the players in the party being in the same team is too "unbalanced", kinda curious if that's the answer or what's actually going on too though if that's not the case
+0 / -0
4 months ago
I have no Idea.

I usually invite people to a party and disband just to notify people a team game is open or starting soon.
+0 / -0
Last I knew the balancer for a large two-team game broadly works in the following way:

First, it attempts to find two balanced teams, putting all clans and all parties together.

If it fails to find a balanced set of teams subject to that restriction, then it balances the teams ignoring ALL clan and party considerations.

I do not know what the threshold for a "balanced enough" game is. It is probably pretty restrictive. Paraphrasing the Law of Large Numbers, for a large teams game there are likely to be a lot of team arrangements that are very close to even in terms of rating.

I do not remember exactly what influence rating variance within teams has on the balancer.
+2 / -0
4 months ago
That's not due to the law of large numbers though, but simply due to the fast growth of the central binomial coefficient.
+0 / -0

4 months ago
So if lots of players of the same clan join a battle where all the clan players are either low rated or where all players are high rated, they also destroy the balancing for small parties?
Lots of similarly rated clan people being in the same battle seems to be likely to happen quite often.

Sounds like it would be better if it first tries to "balance putting all clans and all parties together" and if it fails to balance then, it would "balance putting parties together" before it ignores both.

Potentially it could even do advanced stuff like ignoring big clanstacks or big parties that are of either high or low relative rating to the average rating of the the battle before going on to ignore small parties or parties with a more average rating.
+1 / -0
In principle the balancer could work in a lot of different ways. Personally I would treat managing uneven teams better as a pretty high priority. The main barriers are (a) somebody has to implement it and (b) it should not have characteristics that can be gamed. I would have at least mild concerns as to the second point about a system which has some rules for choosing which parties/clans are respected and which are not. If done properly it could be fine.
+1 / -0