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World In Flames v1.8 Supported

By Soaptastesok

Geographical map of Earth
Size: 32 x 16


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This map's coasts are not hover friendly.

To be more specific, a lot of beaches (no cliffs) are not pathable for hovers.
+0 / -0
This map has three problems, in (loosely) descending order of importance:

(1) Performance. Some people can't play on it at all, let alone as a large team game enters the midgame.

(2) Imbalance? The conventional wisdom seems to be that East is strongly favoured due to (a) proximity to Antartica and (b) being able to expand further over land. That theory is not borne out by my games so far but I haven't played or watched that many.

(3) The hover problem mentioned by Galamesh.

Accordingly I am unfeaturing, at least for the moment. I am not sure that (2) alone would justify unfeaturing in the absence of solid data (the featured pool does contain other asymmetrical maps, although maybe not many so grossly asymmetrical in the teams pool) but (1) seems pretty compelling to me. The map remains supported, for those who have the hardware to play on it.
+0 / -0
4 months ago
interested in what kind of hardware people have that is unable to play it.
+1 / -0
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