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Propose for retreat zones improvement

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2 months ago
The game allows you to set a retreat zone where wounded units will retreat.
I set such zones near the front line, so that units return to the battle as quickly as possible.
It happens that the front line has shifted and the zone needs to be moved.
But you don't always notice it right away, especially if your attention is scattered across several areas.
In this case, it turns out that instead of retreating, wounded units go straight to the enemy.

A question for the developers. Is it possible to make to bind a retreat zone to a building?
So that the zone is automatically deleted if this building is destroyed.
Or not only to a building, but to any unit. For the zone to move behind him.
+3 / -0
2 months ago
Would definetly love to set units to retreat to constructors. currently i have to build caretakers out of range of factories to act as retreat points. Otherwise they just aid the factory and never repair.
It would be nice if we coulg toggle or choose constructor targeting priority too, so they actually repair instead of reclaiming first.
+0 / -0
2 months ago
IMHO it will be practical for adding ... well i assume an building-linked zone, yet for mobile constructors i assume instead of zone add them a new small ability buttion to hud wich will specify how they should act in plan of reacting to retreving units, if set to none (eg for flying specops engi thing) then there won'b be accidents when you unit will try to go for specops behind enemy lines, while other units will have i assume 2 levels of priority for wounded units, one will be good for salvagers wich will heal units if they are closer than salvagable things yet damaged unit will continue to move into zone/nearest higger-priority healer-allocated unit
For healers - i assume after seleecting their healing priority to max you could use allocator tool to limit area within they will move to wounded-comers so they won't try to reach forward-pushed forces and die with them (or make patrool allocation as zone instead of path while healing is set to max priority)

Spider&engi-plane&player will have med-duty turned off by default, while constructors as mobile, as caretakers will have yellow priority/when close over salvage, and if retreat zone set onto unit, then any caretakers will auto-change priority of salvagin to healing, while mobile will had to be allocated manualy (i assume rmb-clicking caretaker will instead of selecting defence mode will re-allocate unit as healer to dezignated zone)
+0 / -0
2 months ago
I have a few thoughts.
In the beginning, wound units should return to the factory to get repaired. It’s annoying to manually state this every game.
One the game is further along, armies should consist of construction units to reclaim and repair. Formation ranks can be used to allow these cons to be out of the line of fire.
Damage units should move back in formation ranks can be to allow these cons to heal them. This does require custom line move to remember what the last order was so inits will reline up when the composition changes.
+0 / -0
2 months ago
The primary difference between the overriding formation ranks and retreating is if there is a con in the formation.
The last issue is when you are behind enemy lines. Unfortunately the best way to fix this is to toggle retreat state. Which unit states should allow an easy UI to go to the specific unit state. Cycling retreat state with damage units behind enemy lines can cause them to retreat into the enemies base, defeating the purpose.
+1 / -0
2 months ago
Yes, retreating units lose their ai and stop dodging and avoiding enmies. Often running to their deaths when behind enemies or skirmishing turrets and artillery. That would be another great fix.
+2 / -0

2 months ago
Proposition: Ant Paint
Retreat zones would work well with Ant Paint tool that lets units paint the map depending on circumstances. This ability is either useful for Zero-K development, Zero-K mod development, or even a new RTS engine.

(just food for thought and a reminder of the idea)
+0 / -0