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Frequent Crashes

5 posts, 261 views
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55 days ago
I've been having crashes in game. It appears to be an AMD driver issue. Any suggestions for things to try, or additional information I can provide? I appreciate any help :)
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54 days ago

^ this is one example of the crash report
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54 days ago
Do you have another report, or something full from logs? That doesn't look like a crash log.
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Can you try disabling your second monitor and seeing if it still crashes? The problems with recent AMD seem to happen most often with high refresh rate monitors, and it's possible the drivers might not be fully stable in multi monitor setups. Trying with just one monitor active might make it easier to find out where the crash is happening.

There was a recent post about using the same card with ZK with some tips:

And a previous thread looking into crashes on AMD 7000-series cards:
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53 days ago
CArankPorkchop Thanks for finding those other posts. Also it probably doesn't help that one monitor runs at 144hz and the other runs at 60hz.
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