There are 2 ways to design units.
1: tell designer what you want to put on your units.
e.g. a car with 100m on motor, 200m on armor, weapon plasma gun with damage=100, x0.5 on speed, x0.5 on range, x1 on reload.
(see source code for more)
2: tell designer what parameters you want your units to have, and designer tell you the cost.
e.g. a car with { speed=100, hp=1000, weapon_1={ damage=100, range=200, projectile_speed=200, reload=1} }
then designer tell you how much cost it is.
mb we can use both but I may be not that diligent...
3. Event Horizon (choose chassis and size, then it gives a grid and you can put things in it) / Istrolid (put things and designer choose chassis)
I think this will makes design more visual and makes ppl more willing and spent more time on designing.
But mb costs me more time to make grid part.
Then there are 2 ways to balance things.
1: do it by felling.
need a lot of test.
2: get unit data from zk and do simulated annealing algorithm.
how balance zk is?
how fast my computer is?