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Title: TEAMS: Newbies welcome!
Host: CHrankSpringie
Game version: Zero-K v1.0.7.7
Engine version: 88.0
Battle ID: 93427
Started: 12 years ago
Duration: 112 minutes
Players: 7
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 30.2%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 6%

Team 3
Chance of victory: 37.8%

Team 4
Chance of victory: 26.1%


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12 years ago
what a fail -.-. i killed two corners just to be killed by meteor.

how can someone be so stupid...

enlightments gathered:

starlight disabling with terraform worx.
skuttle rain's landing zone can be denied by non-spacing between singularities.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
oh and i skuttlerainkilled klons lvl5 commander!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Your skutling skills mojj is nothing compared to mine! I manage to skutle sides and build starlight in time ;)

Thats what you get for being copycat.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
you can feel proud of yourself for beeing copied...or not.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Are these Skuttles from the sky?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
ofcourse. the hack around last skuttlenerf of jumping speed is to accelerate them with newtons. this also boosts the jumping range!

btw, crazy thinking, are rockets from silo targetable by newton?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
No, they are static structures, and then projectiles.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
did i made a terraform of 2 Detriments?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This is so two months old.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
strong battle:)...to bad scuttle luncher doesn't work the same:D
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