So I was thinking, since the devs seem to be working on this new colourful laser addition for the com
it would be cool if we could get a unit that makes use of it too
my idea is of a light raider unit, perhaps to replace the amphib lab's lack of good light raider unit (making it not so great for 1v1, at least compared to hovers imo)
I drew up a rough sketch of what it might look like:

i didnt do the texture, will leave that for the professionals but i think it would be best if it contained lots of colour and weird spiral-y stripe patterns,
also - it will have 2 colourful LLT-like lasers
the reason for the name is that it would be an odd unit, hard to figure out, ambiguous, weird, un-ordinary
purposely confusing and very random, occasion it would self-d for no reason or it would randomly do a jump or teleport somewhere
everything about it should be unpredictable, ie the lasers would change colour randomly and so would the damage output, which would be based on the colour (red being most powerful etc), when it dies it might have small % of detonating like a roach
of course, all this would be within reasonable constraints, the randomosity would only stretch as far as to make it either slightly UP or OP, but nothing too drastic
because this is what ZK is all about:- gimmicky, fun units that look all colourful and shit