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OpenGL Zero-k

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12 years ago
I think that Spring runs on something called openGL which is another thing simmilar to directX. Ive also heard that nVidea graphics cards work better than AMD. Currently im using a low end AMD card and have no problem with the game. Could someone explain in depth the difference between the two when playing zero-k?
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12 years ago
opengl is open <--- SPRING USES
direct-x is made by micro$oft
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12 years ago
ATI/AMD cards used to have some bugs related to bumpwater, shadows, and other misc high-end stuff. I think with the newer driver updates that isn't an issue anymore, at least not with me.

Spring has traditionally run better with Nvidia cards because of better openGL support, but this is only related to possible problems and not visual appearance.
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12 years ago
I have a newer ATI/AMD card (6870) and the graphics are fine with the exception of some flying units being drawn much smaller than they should at some zoom levels; for instance I can sometimes only identify a vindicator by the exhaust graphics. No clue if this is exclusive to ATI or not.
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12 years ago
That has to do with the icon and draw distances. Look them up in the in-game menu. You can have a gap between the icon distance and draw distance. In this area unit get drawn as fixed picture (no 3d rendering but more detailed than an icon). The resizing of those pictures doesn't work properly for all units in ZK. Especially with aircrafts. You can fix the issue by sliding the draw-distance over the icon distance.
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12 years ago
Isint this vindicator thing with new engine? Same here with nvidia. I can see something transported but not vindicator itself.
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12 years ago
I'm getting the 'vindicator thing' for brawlers too, and i'm on nvidya. But then i did tweak my icondistance into a senseless range :D
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12 years ago
*My friend and I both play this game and have the "mini" issue for gunships. Like stated above I use AMD but he has a nVidia card so that is not an exclusing AMD problem.

So if I get an AMD card I will still be able to play there just MAY be some minor problems? Or is there a chance I couldn't play at all? Or will proper drivers and stuff fix that now so it works just as well as it works for me now?

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12 years ago
Yeah, I've been seeing weird vindicator rendering too, and I've got an nVidia board. All other gunships seem to work fine though.
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12 years ago
i have "mini" gunships, and a few other units like ticks
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12 years ago
I too occasionally see (or rather, don't see) a vindicator, though I do see its exhaust. Somewhat disconcerting when it happens. :)
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