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This game is awesome,but...

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12 years ago
this game is by far the best strategy ive ever played, even better than LOTR BFME 2(lord of the rings.....).
-this game needs to get recognised
-the site is ok, but could be ten times better! like this one-http://www.planetside2.com/
-why isnt this game on steam?
-why isnt this game on kickstarter? (planetary annihilation is taking all the credit!)
-why is there no team always working on this and with the community
-the lobby could look better, more user friendly
-the game is good, but it doesnt look ass good as say,bf3 or crysis(i think its the spring engine :/ but half the peeps who play this game couldnt play this game otherwise coz it would be to graphically demanding to play!)
-is there a facebook page? if not, why not?

but this game is mint tho

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Game is made by hobbyists, for free... actually, for negative money since Licho pays the hosting bills.

That answers most of your questions.

Argh did try to make a SpringRTS game called PURE and sell it professionally... it was a flop and I think he's making his next game on Unity.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Honestly you must be trolling.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I reallly dislike Steam and now I'm nervous as there are several sugestions to place the game on Steam.

even if it's still free, it'll be 10 times harder to get the game if that's the only way to get it :(
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Steam has some pretty unsavory licencing terms. Here's why notch (of Minecraft fame) doesn't like it, pretty much outlines the reasons it offends developers:


Graphics will get better over time. There are already some pretty well-modeled, well-textured units in the game (hovers are probably the best example). Zero-K (formerly Complete Annihilation) used to use pirated models form the 1997 hit Total Annihilation, due to the fact that ZK is a continuation of a fork of a port of Total Annihilation to the Spring engine. It's only recently that we became TA-content free.

Also, rendering units at the detail Crisis has is computationally unfeasble due to the fact that late game, there can be 1000+ units onscreen. This lags my high-end gaming PC at the existing level of detail ZK has.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The graphics are pretty good. But I would say the main problem is in rendering problems such as holes underwater(blast mark looks really weird) and that blast texture which flashes when you zoom in.
Some better textures of maps would make this game alot nicer. Zoomed in a bit, maps look TERRIBLE.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
try tropical2 with max settings. Make better looking maps? Stating facts wont make it any better...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Steam ignored our application and we suck at getting PR .. no idea how to make good videos for kickstarter etc.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'll try to answer this fully.

-this game needs to get recognised
Would you like to make it get recognised?

-the site is ok, but could be ten times better! like this one-http://www.planetside2.com/
Would you like to improve the site?

-why isnt this game on steam?
Rejected application. Firstly we probably need the first two points and secondly Steam would probably like some way to make money out of it.

-why isnt this game on kickstarter? (planetary annihilation is taking all the credit!)
Related to first two points again. Here are some extra things, I think with this I speak for myself and not other devs:
  • Kickstarter requires good publicity. We have neither PR or video makers.
  • What is there to Kickstart?

-why is there no team always working on this and with the community
Incorrect premise. There is always work but it can be slow at times due to life. Additionally define "with the community", there is no well defined line between "the community" and devs.

-the lobby could look better, more user friendly

-the game is good, but it doesnt look ass good as say,bf3 or crysis(i think its the spring engine :/ but half the peeps who play this game couldnt play this game otherwise coz it would be to graphically demanding to play!)
This is the hidden cost of free games. Paid games hire skilled people to do a lot of boring optimization work. Games made "completely for free" are much less likely to have access to those skills and they are unlikely to spend a lot of time doing boring work.

-is there a facebook page? if not, why not?
There is. The reason there would not be is us having little PR. It needs more content.

No offense to anyone but the community is a bit defective in some regards. Other communities have people which make high quality videos to advertise commercial games for free.
+0 / -0
I'm under the impression that Spring is much better than a few years ago (thanks to Zero-K), even if it's always possible to make it even better :
- The Zero-K website is great, maybe not as "sleek" as the planetside2 one, but probably much more functional.
- The game and lobby is MUCH more user friendly than a few years ago (though I miss some TASClient features).
- The graphics are MUCH better than a few years ago (try playing a game of BA sometimes).

Why are you even asking about whether there's a facebook page or not? It's not like it's hard to find, it's even featured on the front page!

BF3 and Crysis are commercial games that cost MILLIONS to develop!

It would be interesting to compare statistics on the player base for the past 8 years, how can you access this?

What about a Bitcoin address on the Donate page? Bitcoin and Spring seem like they have a lot in common, so people might be more likely to donate that way...

Yeah, Zero-K on Steam would be a great advertising, but Zero-K has all this great lobby, rapid, and open source infrastructure that I just don't see how they can work with Steam. Though HoMM6 is Uplay-based and is on Steam, so why not?

BTW, have you tried to advertise Spring after the Steam Greenlight program was started?

Also, maybe you should look at what Minecraft did to become so popular?

even better than LOTR BFME 2(lord of the rings.....)

Isn't that a pretty average game? Metacritic gives it 6.9/10 for user score, with such a low score I can hardly see wasting my time on it...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
the game is good, but it doesnt look ass good
butt thats because its hobby project.

This lags my high-end gaming PC at the existing level of detail ZK has.
You must buy even faster computer!
As half the players must:

So the most common matches are actually impossible to enjoy for most players from start to end.

No offense to anyone but the community is a bit defective in some regards. Other communities have people which make high quality videos to advertise commercial games for free.
several people made videos but only 1 was ever put on the website.
+0 / -0
No offense to anyone but the community is a bit defective in some regards. Other communities have people which make high quality videos to advertise commercial games for free.

That is probably related to the small size of this community.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yes definitly, if there is few hundreds players who plays from time to time, something like skyrim has millions so naturally there happens to be more hobbyists who like making videos and are good at it.

Just question anybody tried to upload zero-k to torrents?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Indeed. Its not "other communities have people which make high quality videos to advertise commercial games for free". Its "people who make and can make videos are in other communities".
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The obvious solution is to kidnap those people and brainwash them.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
People seem to assume that a free/indie game has low resource requirements. But it is actually the other way around. Making a lot is easy compared to making a lot which runs fast. So stop expecting notebooks to work fine.

"I am sorry I have had to write you such a long letter, but I did not have time to write you a short one"
~ Pascal
+0 / -0
12 years ago
hmmmmm, no one mentioned that planetary annihilation stole this games awesomeness(yeah ino we took this game from TA). is it really hard to get the balkance of play right in rts's?, and didnt it take yonks for this game to get toa good balance? i wonder if planetary annihilation will do as good?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
man you are funny. How you can tell if game is good from... trailer? Only real gameplay shows will it be success or not.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hmm, wasn't it already Supreme Commander that was accused of stealing from Spring back in 2007?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah, they should friggin stop stealing from our open source game!
+0 / -0
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