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promoting good behaviour

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13 years ago
I'm quite disturbed to see some players try to voteexit when loosing. Same with people blaming others failures without providing ingame help, constantly insulting people or similar behaviours.

If the community grows, it may be unmanageable and painful for admins to handle complaints. If nothing is done, it may simply prevent the community from growing because of newbies being treated too harshly and turning away. I have not seen many reviews of zk, but I'm pretty sure it would be very bad PR if some blogger or journalist happened to play and got abused by angry players, or just witnessed it and included it in its review...

If anyone has ideas to help promote good behaviour, please post. Something that doesn't require manual handling by moderators is obviously preferable.

My first idea is to implement another metric, along XP, something showing appreciation by other players. Having a high appreciation may boost XP to unlock things faster, or give some other advantage (like a special com module that doesn't depend on XP, but depend on appreciation level). Having a low/negative appreciation may scale down XP, and a very negative appreciation may end up locking things again, even for high level/good players. I don't have a clear plan for such a metric. Maybe players would get 1 or 2 votes for each game they play, that they can either use to up/down 1 or 2 players appreciation metric. Maybe it would not simply be a +1 or -1 on a single appreciation metric, but some kind of awards (positive or negative) you could give to people that would contribute to the metric, like abusive

-1, teamkiller

-1, tutor = +1, etc. Extra benefit would be that newbies being insulted by players that are known to be abusive may not turn away as easily, could end up improving and help grow the community. Comments are welcome, as well as abuse potential of such a system.

Worst/pathological offenders may still deserve a (manually setup) ban at some point, but if we can usually avoid going that far through some form of auto-regulation, everyone would benefit from it, players and admins.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Maybe voteexit could be only work by 75% of the votes?Any lower would not exit the game. I have seen a lot lately.

A reward system would be fine unless they have alts.
+0 / -1

13 years ago
No, this kind of system is no good. It will just be abused for the very things you are worried about: Experienced players will 'unappreciate' noobs for losing games, players will get into wars with eachother giving eachother negative ratings. It will be another tool used to troll.

Some kind of 'soft admin' function (beyond kick/ban) to get people to behave may be worthwhile, but the reason we dont enforce 'good behaviour' at the moment is because a lot of our players, even top players, are foul-mouthed trolls. Moderator enforcement would mean banning a lot of our playerbase (Not that this stops us, we still do it).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
!voteaward "noob" "Hiding behind allies award"
!vote 1


It would only be fair if enough players have to give this player one of this negative / positive awards if it should count.

And if positive awards count more if you have a negative value, etc.
0: you have p/n +-0
1: 5 ppls give you -10 each
2: 1 give you +10
3: finally you have only -30 or -20

Every game you should get +-10 in the direction witch point to zero(-k).


!ban on springie should ban the user profile to avoid renaming or playing on other hosts - not the name
( but don't help against a large number of smurf accounts )

!voteban should be available and have a ban time of about 10 minutes.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We could simply have built in complaint system and admins handling it..
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Something like a report system?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I see the noobs coming who are crying about cheaters with about 1800 elo and don't know how to use the reporting system :)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well I'm new and indeed I think something to stimulate good behavior would help indeed. I've had some players coach me in my games, and that really helps. Kudos to them! Also I've seen people yell and curse and whatnot (especially at team mates) when losing. Luckily I dun care if some random jerk yells at me on the internet. But overall the atmosphere is far from welcoming to new people.

I like the missions for practice. Maybe there should be a more intensive training program, incorporating training missions with the nubwidget? That way you can learn step by step if you are really new to TA.

Also, a voting system can work, but only if does exactly what you want from it. Saktoth is right, in that just making a 'you suck' button will not help much. Stupid thing is, what would help most is just to multiply the player base by a factor of 10. That way people could always find games with other people in their same skill range. But like I said, currently the atmosphere is not very welcoming, so there may be a chicken/egg problem there..
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Forn chicken egg problems there are "chicken egg" bots :D

I was new at zk but had allready experience with games like Empire Earth etc.

If you have played one real time strategy game you know much more about this as real newbes.

It is a big problem for us to understand this.

The best word for us to describe this is "n00b".

--- BUT ---

I think a too low amount of peoples watch replays to learn from good players.

How can we change this?

Maybe we should make less missions witch teach you NOT to porc, but WHERE to porc and how much.

We should add a button to labs who simple make each unit type at equal costs.

Only make this units and let the players control them.

--- OR ---

Add a possibility to comment replays, save them to a new file and add it to the not interactive tutorials.

--- P L S - T E L L - U S - W H A T ' S - W R O N G ! ! ! ---

What are the best tutorials and why are they the best?

What lesson helps you the most?

What are you missing?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I really liked it when the dev used the word "rock scissor paper" to describe ZeroK. I tried this and it made me less n00b, and I no longer mix weak unit and waste metal and now trust in unit's specialization. --Before this I would use peewees to fight flame(jump)bot but riot bot is better (now I made unit based on its purpose).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
@saktoth : I understand it could be abused if system is too simple, but implementation details may make it worthwhile.

Maybe a single award (either +1 or -1) could be given for each match instead of everyone having points to give for each match they played. No consensus among players/specs would mean no award. Allowing specs to vote may moderate the process, as they would vote without game-related anger.

As pointed out, having a "n00b"/"you suck" award would not help in any way. Having a closed set of appreciation awards that are not related to the skills of the players would force an angry player willing to punish someone to choose among (eg.) teamkiller, abusive, voteexitlooser. Voters, seeing that the angry player try to give a noob an "abusive award" just because his target hasn't built enough eco (or whatever) would be ignored/vote2 by others and have no effect.

I was talking about voteexit attempts (as one example of bad behaviour), but from what I've seen lately, it rarely succeeded (it seems most people can take a loss and get over it). In a recent game I specced, someone tried to voteexit, and his teammates refused to follow him (he then decided to selfd his base instead of resigning/giving his stuff to team). So, I feel like there are more honest people and that such a system could tend to work in the end, even if undeserved awards are sometimes granted. Maybe not. It seems difficult to evaluate, only an experiment would tell.

But if smurf accounts are too easy to get (you only have to register), such a democratic process is doomed from the start. There was a proposal in another post to force new players to play a few single/mission games before entering multi-p games... this restriction would stop all but the most dedicated trolls from having an influence on such a voting system, without having a negative impact on others.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Im not sure about voting after game. I think peoeple dont have time to do this. And if forced to (with say popup), they would likely vote randomly.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I have yet to see a troll. Where are they? I think they are not able to survive, because the Spring engine does not allow bridges of any sort. They can not live anywhere!

If you talk about Galactic Trolls, I think they are cute and cuddly!

The chance that any random person on the world writes something bad about anything always exists and can not be eliminated. For reference see "Real Life (tm)". If people really would listen to them.. well if someone or some realy do it's no big problem either.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
--- +1 / positive ---

CA award.

50% of the resources of the CA award player excessed.

Most damage dealt per metal spent.

Most resources produced ( excess only counted if it can be used by your team mates )

--- -1 / negative ---

friendly fire award.

lowest metal energy usage ( excess counted as usage ) if under 30% of the average.

start the same vote three times without 2 other votes between the starts.

--- Abuse possible / Fair ? ---

I think this respect ECO player in Chicken games too.

No one can deny positive awards for any player and no one can vote for a negative award for a player.

--- Positive Effects ---

You get a little bit more metal than your team mates ( alter the award calculation to compensate that ).

You get a storage for free ( placed next to your com at the start of the game ).

Your markers get a special look for your very good rating.

Positive awards raise your rating slower.

Terraform costs less metal.


--- Negative Effects ---

You can get kicked with less votes.

You get less metal than your team mates ( alter the award calculation to compensate that ).

Your markers get a special look for your very bad rating.

You can't build MissleSilos, Ultimatuum, Silencer ( teamkill units ).

You can build Fusions / Singularities only if you have low energy excess over time and it's not a chicken game.

Terraform, Storages costs more metal.

Negative awards lower your rating slower.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
but I like insulting noobs :(

It makes me feel good about myself
+0 / -0
4 years ago
thank God we solved this issue 9 years ago.
+3 / -1
Was it necessary to dig up an almost DECADE OLD forum post to make a snide remark?

Instead of doing forum activism, how about you start calling out bad behavior if you're tired of it. How about reporting it too. Actually contribute towards fixing the problem instead of forum activism. Doing bad crap like resurrecting a 9 year old forum post and adding nothing to it to make your point is entirely self-defeating.
+0 / -0
taking a gamer joke a lil' too serious?

I miss Sheep, wonder what he doing RN.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
and DErankNeonSturm
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Shaman is such a fun-police nowadays. I wished he stopped being so resigned and became more !resign again.
+5 / -1
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