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Reducing spec cheating

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12 years ago
I just thought of a way to reduce spec cheating with smurfs. If the auto-host can get each player's IP, then it can check to see if any of the playing IPs match spec IPs, and if it it does, give a notification to the game chat.
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12 years ago
this is already implemented. I saw it 2 hours ago on a CooP host. It gives message like this:

notice: X and Y connecting from same location...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ah... Ok, I guess I have never had a problem then, or the messages are really hard to notice. Good to know there is something in place already.
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i have multiple isp i can use XD so i sometimes play on 2 teams at the same time

it is most awsome going 1v1 against myself XD were allmost evenly matched

btw spec cheating dosent really hapen all that much, most of the time really good players are just omniscient... take me for example

i see EVRYTHING!!!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Is spec cheating an actual problem? If it is I never noticed it beforeā€¦
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12 years ago
We had to ban someone for it a few months (?) ago and everyone has been paranoid ever since.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I don't know. I don't play very often. I just had a thought, but it looks like it is already in place.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Besides notifying when 2 players have the same ip, the engine itself should be changed in order to avoid spec cheating, right now all los information is sent to clients and it's quite easy to hack the engine.
But yes, you are all paranoid... like with smurfs
+0 / -0
The fact that you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not after you.

Consider this - how many smurfs are there on this forum even now, reading this topic?

You cannot tell. Everybody can be a snurf. Maybe Zag is a snurf?

Maybe there is a snurf right now behind your shoulder. Turn around - do you see him?

Maybe there is even a snurf inside yourself. How can you be sure?
+0 / -0
12 years ago

im pretty shure youd notice a smurf inside of you XD

but paranoia is silly, most people dont hack to win, they hack to se if it can be done...

i havent seen or suspected anyone of spec cheat in about 3 months
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Why is even called a smurf?
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12 years ago
Thats a good question. Lets call etymology hotline!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The etymology hotline called back.
(through http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/5670/what-is-smurfing-in-online-games)
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12 years ago
They're small, blue and only bang one female?
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12 years ago

yea see small blue(ish) and only have 1 female(queen)

you forgot to mention that they can and will kick your ass XD
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