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XP gain rate modified by Elo

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13 years ago
As I understand it, the point of the XP system is to introduce players to the game gradually. As they get better, they get more XP, and then can use that XP to unlock better units. It's a novel concept that should work great.

However, some players can catch on more quickly than other, and more importantly, many players were here long before XP system was put in place. I've used every unit in the game successfully, but suddenly I'm finding myself locked out of many unit choices because I don't have the XP to buy them. I just found myself in a sea battle where I desperately needed a reef for mobile anti purposes, and found myself unable to build it.

What if scaling was applied to the XP rate gain that took Elo into account? If a player has higher Elo, they're obviously learning quickly and should be allowed to have more advanced units.

Some users have already argued that the opposite should be used, so that lower Elo players gain XP faster. I must remind these players that XP isn't about how good you are, the entire system is used to hold new players back from advanced units until they can learn how to use them properly. For example, I've seen many green players try and rush Singularity reactor at start, or even a Starlight! The current XP system works to prohibit this, and hopefully by the time those players have the XP required to buy Starlight, they will be smart enough to use properly. Since Elo is a measure of skill, higher Elo means that the player is progressing faster, and therefor deserves the unlocks faster.

In conclusion, since higher Elo players are performing at an advanced rate, they deserve to unlock advanced units fast. That, and I'm also pissed that the same units I've been using for a year are suddenly unavailable.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Is that better units? i mean, they are just unit you need for special purpose.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Well... pissing off the old players was always a risk. That is why XP was recorded for a while before the unlock system was put in place. New haven't suddenly lost a lot of units and xp gain is fast enough for them to unlock things fast enough to try something new each game until they have most units.

Although there are a few things, Det, Starlight, nuke etc.. that are too expensive imo and create a high barrier of entry for playing a real FFA. The system can be turned off for this though.

I am a bit apprehensive about linking XP gain directly to current elo as players might try to game the system to not lose elo.

As for performing at an advanced rate you gain 40% more XP for winning than you do for losing and more for winning a battle which according to elo favours the other team. So if a new player rockets up with elo they must have been winning more battles and/or winning against higher rated teams. So in effect there is a bonus for playing well.

+0 / -0

13 years ago
I just watched a total noob 1v1v1 on Seth's Ravine. None of the players had unlocks, and Seth's Ravine is a fairly porcy map. The end result was 3 players with extensive porc and no way to break it because all the porc-breaking units (including air!!!) were disabled.

Any way to implement some sort of FFA-detection that would ask users to disable unlocks? It's painful watching a noob with nothing but shield bots and light vehicles try to plow their way through porc. It's just going to result in porcy games among noobs and lots of frustration. I quit after an hour of watching because it was clear that there would be no winner anytime soon.

To those who would chime in "XP unlocks can be turned off!": These are total noobs we're talking about; they don't even know that unlocks can be disabled. Since noobs are the lifeblood of any game (more noobs playing = more eventual pros playing) it's gotta be friendly.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Also Google, your logic is flawed. Higher Elo doesn't mean a player will win more games because the game is balanced around Elo. I seem to have reached my limit around 1760 Elo. I will still win games at around a 50% rate because the game is already balanced around trying to make a 50% win rate, with current Elo. The current XP system rewards those who are GAINING Elo quickly (more wins) but not those who already have above-average Elo at a steady state equilibrium. Since I reached my steady-state Elo rating before XP unlocks, I will continue to earn XP at an average rate.

tl;dr A good player with plateaued Elo wins games at a 50% rate, and therefore sees no XP gain modifier.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
their reply to an early anti porc is the emp missile launcher (from light vehic plant). I raised this issue i chat before.

as well as context saying it gets too porcy (which it really really does) i find that there are specifc unlocks which just make it too easy

example is hover plant's penetrators, if someone unlocks those, and the two others unlock say cloaky bots. the game will porc again but penetrators and their range will pretty much win the game.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
edit: hurr hayfevurr
emp launcher is from shield bot plant
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Note there is modoption to disable unlocks (enable all units). So you can use those for FFA
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I also think some air needs to be unlocked, at least all-purpose airplanes. By the way, you can still get certain off-limit units through morphing units that gain enough exp(e.g. chainsaw from hacksaw).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I dont think there is anything wrong with getting locked units with morph. At least it means you can try them.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> Also Google, your logic is flawed....

> ...So if a new player rockets up with elo they must have been winning more battles and/or winning against higher rated teams. So in effect there is a bonus for playing well.

I said it was a bonus for gaining elo not having elo.
+0 / -0