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Ruined my ZK Settings

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12 years ago
After Cleaning the Settings via the ZK Lobby, my Zero K looks like this:

I think its not loading the widgets

How to fix it?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hmm, try click "high" in lobby again and restart the lobby.

If it again shows this, go to settings -> open game data folder and send us infolog.txt through pastebin.com
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hit F11 and scroll until you find the list of "Chili ..." widgets. I don't have the exact list of the default ones, but you'll want to turn most of them on. The only one I remember off the top of my head that isn't default is Chili Keyboard Widget. If you turn that, Chili Gestures (IIRC), or Chili Integral off, the default TA build menu will show up, even if another Chili build menu widget is up.

Also, Chili Crude Player List is the default, though swapping between player lists is easy enough to do and has no TA-style reversion.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I suspect the problem is your Lua just crashed. Type /luaui reload. Turning the chilli widgets on one at a time is going to be totally laborious.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yes saktoth thats why I want him to reset settings and send infolog..
+0 / -0
Yeah, I was responding to Shadowfury (recommending against doing what he suggested).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If LuaUI crashed you're not even going to be able to bring the menu up.
+0 / -0
Yeah, I posted the same time Licho did, and I was under the impression TRrankTrojaner_'s setup was beyond the point of settings reset to save it, since it sounded like a settings reset caused the problem.

Definitely go with Licho's and Saktoth's suggestion. I recommend against my own previous post's suggestion.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Settings im talking about is in ZKL not ingame :-)
+0 / -0
Tryed everything, /luaui doesn't work, nothing happens if I press F11 and clicking on "high" doesn't changes anything.

infolog.txt: http://pastebin.com/VP7U0tef

EDIT: I reinstalled it. Its working now...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
"[f=0000000] Error: Lua LoadCode pcall error = 0, luaui.lua, Include() could not load 'LuaUI/utils.lua'"

For those too lazy to check. This is interesting.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Is this not interessting as well?

[f=0000000] Using map: FolsomDamFinal
[f=0000000] Warning: Incompatible map-checksum: Checksum of FolsomDamFinal (checksum 0xfaeb2adf) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be 2 different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.
[f=0000000] Using game: Zero-K v1.0.12.3
[f=0000000] Using game archive: 31936de17cbe90b18b270fda0fdade06.sdp
[f=0000000] Warning: Incompatible game-checksum: Checksum of 31936de17cbe90b18b270fda0fdade06.sdp (checksum 0x603436c0) differs from the host's copy (checksum 0x1). This may be caused by a corrupted download or there may even be 2 different versions in circulation. Make sure you and the host have installed the chosen archive and its dependencies and consider redownloading it.

Maybe corrupted files/download/pool folder?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
chilli isn't working. first thin I can tell from the picture.
there's multiple widgets with "chillli" in the name though, you'll probabbly have to poke to find which ones are optional or not.(for me a couple actually broke the interface, which was annoying.)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Checksum errors are normal. Authost does not have the mod/map actually so it does report fake checksum 1 ..

Its meant to check checksum using p2p with other clients but it never was implemented.
+0 / -0