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Evo. RTS on Greenlight

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12 years ago
There was a topic where was said that Valve is not noticing us. Why he noticed Evo. RTS?

Evo. is surely good game but ZK is IMO better (and best from spring pack).

Well, anyway, link is here:
So vote up for 1st spring game to Steam.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Meh. Weren't devs planning to go there once kudos are done or something?
+0 / -0
B-b-but steam stinks.

edit: Duh! There was an r! KILL IT! KILL IT!!!
+0 / -0
You mean like a piss stream?

+0 / -0

12 years ago
We would like to get into greenlight, it would be a massive boost for us. We never tried it evorts probably did try.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
maybe you are mistaken steam with gog.com?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Oh, ok. Anyway, i think we should support their effort too and make announcement on main page recommending to vote for Evo. RTS. If any Spring game can make it to Steam, it can have positive influence on Spring engine and Zero K itself.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I feel that plan could backfire, if EvoRTS gets bigger then ZK it will be the biggest Spring game and will thus attract more players since having much players means getting more players. I might sound a bit like a jealous asshole but I feel EvoRTS should be in the shasow of 0k and not the other way arround.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You really sounded like an asshole. Fearing that people would migrate to bigger thing just because it is bigger is stupid.

I started playing zk not because it was bigger, at that time BA and Tech anihilation had more players, but because I found that zk had much more features which I liked. And also because tech anihilation started constantly playing that green pixel map no wind no whatever :)

Getting more players to spring is always good idea.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
link that does not require login:

Any game can get listed for entry fee.
Though there are already 1000+ games listed which is almost as much as on google, so you will probally just get the same old people upvoting your game, instead of attracting new playes.

If any Spring game can make it to Steam, it can have positive influence on Spring engine and Zero K itself.
Seems it is possible to create "collections", for example here is a shooter collection:
Such "spring collection" sounds like a better idea than telling people to vote for spring game X in hope they also try out spring game Y.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i started playing CA not because it was bigger, at that time BA and Tech anihilation had more players

Ftfy. The moment CA (another ota clone) became ZK (a ta-like, but somewhat original game with some daring ideas like flat techtree and no factions), it started its victorious conquest of Spring.

Now, withholding ZK from Steam has no reason and no merit whatsoever. Also, evo is crap.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Spring games should help each other being envy of each other and hating each other will lead nowhere.

Other engine games will just laugh at us ;) Thats like hating, killing your own brother and sister and parents just like in Roman times.
+0 / -0
Spring games should help each other being envy of each other and hating each other will lead nowhere.

I could argue that another reason for ZK's success was its split of community from the engine and into a separate ecosystem, which this forum carries forth.

I could also argue that most of *a games for spring are an overall malus.

I will agree though that actively waging war on them is a bad thing. But this is also not a reason to withhold greenlighting ZK simply because Evo got there first. Two greenlighted spring games are twice the bonus, right?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I don't mean that Zero-K should not go for Steam Greenlight, but if the steam community is first shown Evo RTS all like "LOOK THIS IS WHAT A SPRING GAME LOOKS LIKE" I think a lot of players would be like "meh", and then when Zero-K comes arround and is like "WE ARE A SPRING GAME TOO!" people will already have a biased "meh". I don't think most of people have any idea what a "Open Source Engine" or any of that means so they will probably think these games are all mods of some kind of game.

If anyone upvotes Evo RTS he should do so because he would like to see Evo RTS on steam, not because he would like to benefit from the extra players that it might possibly bring to Zero-K, for that Zero-K should just get it's own greenlight thingie.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Does anyone competent want to oversee a ZK greenlight?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I'd be willing to look into it but I don't want to pay 100$ though. Anyone want to split maybe? I'll pay 50$, you pay 50$.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I think cost can be covered somehow, maybe get a bunch of people together and phrase it as a donation so it works for kudos eventually.

Also, anyone want to manage IndieDB?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I don't really have time though at the moment. I'd be willing to donate 50$ to the bring-Zero-K-to-Steam fund though if someone else has time to do do it earlier. We should do a lot of proofreading and discussing on whatever we post thought because this is kind of a big thing.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I can provide the rest. However I think that we should finish kudos and finalize some super-awesome trailers first.

So that first impressions are the best they could be..


This Supreme Commander'esque RTS is notorious for poor performance and buggy UI. Wouldnt reccomend.

Performance indeed is horrible.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ftfy. The moment CA (another ota clone) became ZK (a ta-like, but somewhat original game with some daring ideas like flat techtree and no factions), it started its victorious conquest of Spring.

Sadly, game changes have nothing to do with eventual popularity of Zero-K. CA had all these features for years, it even had more units. Zero-K was only CA with half units removed and few added to get rid of old OTA models.

Even though game was playing great you had to wait for many many hours to get 6 people for some game.

We then invested heavily into making the game more accessible, creating own lobby was a major project and it was designed to work as smoothly as possible for windows users - no more tinkering with files, manual downloads, config editing, crashes etc. Website, replays, forums, ladders, missions and planetwars, it all helped to gradually build community into a state we have now.
However it took a massive efforts, years of work on non-game things.
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