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Zero k needs a better replay system

15 posts, 1412 views
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12 years ago
It needs rating of replays and better search layout(more detailed,with more games in it,not with big maps icons etc.). And the search engine can get quite clumsy..
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12 years ago
I'm not sure what you think is wrong with it. You say "more detailed", but what details are you looking for?
+0 / -0
You say "more detailed", but what details are you looking for?

IDK what HRrankEisai is saying either, but i could possibly like ability to search by presence of multiple players, by names of winning or losing player(s), by map tags, and by awards of those players.
+0 / -0
For starters I'd like to be able to search games with players, who's names are shorter then 5 symbols (try guessing why I want that odd feature)
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12 years ago
I want the following:

* Search for and display avg. elo so I have an easier time finding the most epic game ever played

* Sort the list (asc and desc) so I can see the first game ever played by top players and laugh at their nub mistakes.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
- option to exclude specs from search
- http://replays.springrts.com/ has some good ideas too
but as nobody seems to be working on it there is little use to make lists?

But if you go to "Battles" subforum it lists all replays that were commentated on.
Sadly most comments are bugreports or "my team trolled me" rather than notifying about interessting games.
If players were more narcissistic and commentated on their own good games, that would make it easier to find replays worth watching.
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Oooh knorke, we need an upvote system! Or better yet, a 1-5 stars rating system.
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12 years ago
* Sort the list (asc and desc) so I can see the first game ever played by top players and laugh at their nub mistakes.

But it will be on old engine, so you won't get to watch it anyway!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
ZKL automagically downloads the engine I need.
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12 years ago
It also downloads zkl update which no longer shows elo. :X
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12 years ago
...as if you had to care about the elo of your opponents... I mean, if !predict shows something below 95% for your win then you can look up the enemy elo in ladder page...
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12 years ago
I don't like how my name is automatically entered into the "Player Involved" input box. This should be empty by default.

Also, I would like my search parameters to be saved after leaving the replay tab. For example, if I search for games with 2 players, no bots, and longer than 10 minutes, the replay tab gives me a list of games with these features. If I click one of the replays, then click on the "back" button, the replay tab forgets what I searched for, so I have to re-enter it all again. This can be frustrating.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'd be glad if somebody fixed the current system (+ option to exclude specs)

Player Involved: Meep; Age: This Month. No hits.
Player Involved: Meep; Age: All Time. Just some ancient games with DErank[Pirate]MeepMeep
+0 / -0
I would also prefer an improved layout that looks less blocky and more condensed. The goal of a replay tab should be to display as many replays on the screen as possible in a clean, easy-to-understand fashion. As it stands, there is a lot of wasted space and I can only see 12-15 replays on the screen at once. Compare this to Gosugamer's replay page: http://gosugamers.net/starcraft2/replays . Here, I can see about 40 replays on the screen, and all of the information is still clear.
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Wow, not only is the information more clear, it also shows event (and thus seriousness) and doesn't spoil the winner (a small issue I have with the ZK replay system, particularly for people who'd want to commentate).
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