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[TR0LL]uMad gets mad

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See if you can guess the story behind this.

I tried to pause the game when Blaise got temporarily DCed, and uMad kind of flipped out a bit.

Enjoy. http://pastebin.com/40Enzce5

And that was that. He left, like a puff of smoke in the wind of a long rant.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
No surprise, he is well known for his behaviour... Give him a hug and don't be angry, it seems he has enough IRL problems anyways and this is only a game.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well you kicked a 1800 elo player with 1400 elo teammates, you ruined the balance and probably even made him loose the game (can't watch replays, so can't check for myself). What would you expect?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
We remember when one of my playing clanmates went to toilet and asked to pause. uMad unpaused, we paused... And pause/unpause flood appeared. Then he called a vote to kick me and stupid people of course voted yes.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yes, but husbanz deserve to be kicked.. also Emperor still owns an imperium. uMad probably doesn't.

The only thing that doesn't make sense in this log is camelCase starting a kick vote. Is it a puppet? :o
+0 / -0
13 years ago
They are making more threads about me - I'm up to 2 now !! :))))))) noobs are angry with me
+0 / -0
13 years ago
3 threads .. waiting on a 4th ...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I can only hope to one day have the troll-cred. of uMad.

Until then, I will just keep doing what I'm doing, and wait for the appropriate reaction.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
We need more, but more importantly, better admins to kick trolls. Force peace, no matter the cost.

I like how Tech Anni, the ppl there are all lax. they treat spring like a game, mostly because it is. I don't remember when the last time a !kick command was used, other than a time when an admin pissing off another admin:)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Force peace through war! You, Sir, are a genius.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I haven't played Spring consistently before, but it seems the dominant culture of the game, which is very lax, patient people, will prevail. People who aren't willing or able to be patient or take the game loosely enough will eventually quit playing as there aren't enough of them to play the game the way they want. Does uMad play any more? And what say you to this?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I stopped playing for 2 months because of a messed up spring version, but also because of the 2 faction PW, not because I get kicked too often or something like that.


As soon as the fixed spring version is available I will play again ^_^ and enjoy the fun, trolling and playing.

If you really like 0K, you get good enough to be better than your elo OR have good teams.

The only disappointed ppls are those who play 1v1, 2v2 all the time and try to play a team game in PW.
Or ppls having noobs in their team which try to play a english game without any english knowledge.


The more kicks and unpause there is, the more ppls get angy!
The more noobs without english knowledge there are, the more ppls get angry!
PW makes ppls angry because they lose 80% of the stuff while they are at school or sleep.
Because they are only 20% online, they can't lose so much in the time they are online.

TechAnni is hard to find and download compared to BA.

So all noobs join BA-games.

Also teching in TechAnni is so important, that you can afford a noob which prefers that.

You will get more mexes and a T2 con for free, etc.
This Tech-Noobs like to help their team with this good stuff and be the friendly one.

This is the reason why there is more peace then here.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ninja Licho D:
+0 / -0
O.o the f

stop rezing threds from years ago...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Google complained about profanity on this page (seriously!) i had to remove it and rename that guy too.
+0 / -0
and i add more profanity
ahh the wonders of the internets

by removing the profanity you created a micro black hole that pulled more profanity into the thread
+0 / -0
Google Frog or GOOGLE google..? Intense when they complain about your profanity.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The corporation, i believe.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Google IS profanity. Why would they complain?
+0 / -0