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Sorry for the caps...but i really find something interesting.
There is a company that has the possibility in the near future to make graphics work better and faster even if the geometric shape of units is like the size of ATOMS...not polygons

HEre is the link for the video(WAtch in full 1000 HD): http://www.euclideon.com/video01.html
Here is theyir site:http://www.euclideon.com/

And now there is a game that i really liked,hope you enjoy it
here is the link:

first part

second part

I have never saw a space game with such a engine...and a fine work

Waiting for your comments and please forgive me for the caps again!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
imo maybe its the resolution on youtube, but it didnt seem to show much in terms of detail or the level of complexity you can render

evrything seemed verry flat and smooth

i hope some day to see a graphics engine that will render evry single snowflake in a snow storm ^.^ to the at least the crystal structure level of detail, in real time.

i dont quite see a reason why a graphics engine will ever be needed to render an image on the atomic level for a macroscopic view...
+0 / -0
well..the first reason is ...nice graphics and then ,the games runs more faster then the games on polygon graphics

Isn't that a reason?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Why do i have the feeling that you didnt watch euclideon video....
+0 / -0
12 years ago
old news is old.
+0 / -0
im not saying that its not a nice graphics engine, just that it seemed verry flat in that video

examples: the hull of the ships was perfectly smooth, the bay doors of the station looked drawn on, the mountains looked like they were made of painted styrofoam/cut plastic...

if they wanted to really show what the engine was capable of, they should have rendered, and animated, snoflakes falling, or something else equaly complex.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Thats whole point there was zero animation as far as I remember watching this year or so ago.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Watch this if you think it is a fake:

At least it's a big thing...and a progress
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Have you read more than the headline of the blogpost i gave?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
There is two videos of this one which was pasted another more in detail ~40 min where they answer to this "scam" post so this "scam" its not scam. If this would be scam they would at least take investor money or something and currently they dont.
+0 / -0
He mentions 21 trillion polygons in that video running on a 2GB labtop. If each polygon were to equal only one bit, that would take about 2.5 Terrabyte. How do they scale that downwards by a factor of 1000?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Did you watched that longer video? He even disconected cable which was connected to render farm in china. Oh wait he probably had wifi turned on...

Reason I believe it is I dont see any reason how they will make money from it as they dont accept money. Since its not prerendered (even if it is) thing you can clearly see it in longer video they actually had to do it one way or another and yet for a joke...

Only thing which bothers me is that there wasnt shown animation, maybe it looks ugly, maybe its not finished yet like they said, maybe there is other problems which doesnt exist in current technology.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
No seriously. What kind of data structure will allow you to access 24 trillion (possibly all) different elements with 2 GB of RAM? Octrees are nice and all, but you still need data in each leaf node.

In fact, they claim to be able to store unlimited amounts of information in a given space, which is physically impossible.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
They reuse same objects 10000 times arent they. In fact I dont know I dont even care. Its magick probably.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We need jsut to wait and see the animation on that program.After that we will argue.But for now..the thing looks pretty well
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We need jsut to wait and see the animation on that program

April 2010

Sure, just wait another decade or so.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>They reuse same objects 10000 times arent they.

This is the correct answer. If you notice, they reuse the same chunks of data over and over and over and over again. That pretty scene with all the vines growing while showing off the gorgeous leaves? Those leaves are exactly, 100% identical. Same for the pillars, chunks of ground, etc. This method works extremely well for complex, but repetitive rendering.

This method created quite a buzz when first shown on reddit a couple years ago, but it doesn't seem like they've made any significant progress yet.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This was first introduced in 2003, and the extent of progress since has been 3 videos.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

If you actually check their website anyway they are touting their work now as 'data visualization', not a game engine.
+0 / -0
They reuse same objects 10000 times arent they.
...which is exactly what Notch pointed out. Neither variation of models nor even turning are visible.
+0 / -0
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