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Split behaviour in team games

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12 years ago
The latest split behaviour for team games is a major pain in the ass from my point of view. The low elo team that is created typically is even more unbalanced than any mixed game...the fact is that new players elo does not represent their actual behaviour (not enough game cycles). In these games the intermediate people can barely influence victory on their own and suffer hard from incompetent allies. Not speaking about uneven numbers of people in these games...for new and intermediate ppl 2+ coms are actually more of a disadvantage rather than advantage. And in addition to all this, new ppl tend to delay games by fighting last stand games instead of not resigning when victory is clear.
I really hope that another solution is implemented since this one is clearly a disadvantage for new and intermediate ppl.
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12 years ago
just stop the stupid split, i was split outa game 3 times today and then everyone left so i could'nt play a single game.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I liked old time when split needed a vote to pass and was not automatic.
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12 years ago
i miss the old days when there was a large team game and a small team game.

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12 years ago
COME ON! my computer goofed up so i restarted z-k and since it locked after a split i cant rejoin
+0 / -0
12 years ago
when every one doesnt leave this is the kind of un balanced game we get from this split
+0 / -0
12 years ago
OMFG as i typed that it split me into a noob bowl again!
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12 years ago
Votesplit is useless because noobs always vote no...
I love the current system pls don't change it
Not splitting in big games makes having good elo a handicap (worse team), while with the current system having good elo is a good thing since you don't go to noobroom when split
+0 / -0
12 years ago
As of now most of the games seem to be played in the newbies welcome rooms. Most of the time people want to split in order to virtually kick the bloodiest newbies. Thats not my understanding of newbies welcome.I think that should not be the reason for split at all. If one does not want newbies that should play in experienced elo 1600+ rooms instead of newbies room. Think there shold be a autokick for everyone who does not fulfill requirement for exp room to keep newbies away from there, but the only reason to spit a game should be too many players causing big lag. So i encourage the good ones to use experienced room.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Experienced room is getting nicked.
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12 years ago
It splits into 5v5, that is still a rather large game. Wouldn't matching people of a similar skill level make the game more welcoming?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
sucks to be low elo

heres some free advice: if you wan't to be treated like noobs, stop being noobs

if the game didn't take out the garbage from games, I probably wouldn't play as much
+0 / -0
12 years ago
google look at that game replay...

the answer is no.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We have no choice long term if this community is to grow at all but to try and foster a structure in which there is more than one game being played simultaneously, and that it is split by skill level

If you think how frustrated you are being the highest elo player in a low elo team, imagine what it is like for someone whom that is ALWAYS the case!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Small teams autohost is now fully managed with quickamtch support, you can use that at any time too. However split on the main game will stay.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Small teams autohost is now fully managed with quickamtch support
the nice thing was excactly that there was NO automatic managing in it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Split is working well.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The low elo team that is created typically is even more unbalanced than any mixed game...the fact is that new players elo does not represent their actual behaviour (not enough game cycles)

I think that's one of the PROs when it comes to split. Mixing unreliable and very reliable skill ratings is a "waste" of high reliability which every player gets after just a couple days/weeks.
+0 / -0

cause spliting it makes it sooooo fun for the noobs.

Seriously fix this it’s terrible. No one wants to play these games.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It is amazing how people always used to complain how the more short-tempered of the good players rage at weaker players and cause all kinds of misfortune and trolling.

And then, when those arrogant players are split away to allow newbies to duke it out amongst equals, the newbies complain "on hoes, when will daddy sfireman come visit us again? i so miss his spankings".

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