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Missile Silo cost reduction?

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12 years ago
Missile Silo is only effective vs static unit, and was games are too porc recently and i am getting bored of that, can we reduce the cost of Missile Silo and the missiles?
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I'd rather increase cost of Anni and DDM. Missile silo seems fine and has many applications against other units or turrets.
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12 years ago
Cost of missiles is good but the silo itself seems a bit too expensive for a glorified scaffold, it does not even offer any protection to the missiles and needs assisting units to build fast enough.
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12 years ago
Uh yeah not so long ago all porc DDM Anni and behemoth prices was decreased...
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12 years ago
I think silo cost is ok, if it was any cheaper it would be too rushable.
Dont forget it is very effective vs balls of light units with its napalm missile. Also one well-aimed Shockley can instapwn any shieldball.

As for Anni the first thing I can think of is to decrease its HP from 7000 to maybe 6500 so tacnukes can reliably make cost against it.
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12 years ago
Personally I'd cut the price but I'd also nerf the missiles in a way that makes them more evade-able - like some kind of warning that a cruise missile is arriving at point X.

@Rafal - so how much should we raise the price of the airplane lab, then?
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12 years ago
Considering shields tank eos for cost, not sure.
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12 years ago
In my eyes shields are the problem. If you could reliably kill stuff that keeps porc alive (shields, caretakers, cons) it would be way easier to deal with it. Right now you need a shockley or 2 to disable shields, then during that 45 seconds bring down the entire thing (eos?).

Without the missile silo you will have to e.g. tremor the shields down, then merl the structures slowly, hoping your tremors (which sit barely out of anni range) won't get chased away or killed by something...

TL;DR: Bringing down shielded porc is extremely tiresome and should be easier... Make eos go through shields somehow maybe?
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12 years ago
Eos goes through shields if they are less than 97% of their full power.
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12 years ago
wasent it 95%?
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12 years ago
better to have UP units than OP
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12 years ago
nevah UP
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12 years ago
It would be cooler and more realistic is shields would only stop energy based weapons (plasma, lasers, disruptors, lightning, etc) but not “solid” projectiles (gauss, missiles, rockets) and (at least) cruise missiles could be countered by point-defense systems in the same way the big nukes are countered

Also a point-defense system would probably allow for strong long range rocket units to exits without being op
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12 years ago
Tacnuke does 3500 damage.
Shield has 3600 max capacity.
So shield has to have less than 3500 energy to let the missile pass, which is 3500/3600 ~= 97.2% of its capacity.
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Problem is there multiple shields, so you will need tremor all times, i think only it can really drain the ball and not just individual shield.
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12 years ago
No rafal is right, shield strength distribution is actually really counterproductive here. Moderate damage to 1 shield (e.g. some racketeers) will mean other shields transfer their energy, so if you deal only 2.8% of the total shield strength (that is, all shields together) in damage, it will let eos right through. Although timing is key here, since transfer rate isn't instant and shields regen over time you should at least deal 5% of the total health in damage.

Note though that extreme shieldporc (like 15 or so shields) will mean you have to deal more dps than shield regen to get below the treshold, because either there's shields left with more energy than the treshold or all shields regenerate at maximum rate...
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12 years ago
If porc is extreme then you just build Silencer and nuke it. If there is anti you use your silo and Shockley to emp it.
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12 years ago
If there is anti you probably can't see where...
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12 years ago
If i need to build 7k end game units just to pass porc = game balance fail.
You guys are making normal units useless mid/later game...
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12 years ago
silo is fine and in the hands of decent player, utterly devestating.

cheap anni/DDM is what bogs down nubfest teamgames.
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