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Do you like this EPIC changes?

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1. Epic ready button is here? Are you happy?
2. New epic "improvements" and bugs
- epic lua spam
- random hangs
- blurring of shieldbot models, so I can't see anything
- nanospray FFS???
- nuke start stockpile befor it was build

Why we forced to play this untested and bugged sh*t on official servers?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Screenshots coming soon
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I just crash every time i start a game, nothing fix it
+0 / -0
Why we forced to play this untested and bugged sh*t on official servers

You are not, technically, forced. But you aren't helping, either.

Go file some bug reports, then post again.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I like these changes, just like the random explosion thing... They make this game more trolly by itself!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
does nuke drain metal when building this way?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I just crash every time i start a game, nothing fix it
maybe this?
+0 / -0
a recent press release from Troltek Laboratories:
We have improved the builder nanollathe. They can build at an amazing 1x their normal speed, but due to the complex miniturisation, and power systems we have installed, they have a 5% chance of catastrophicaly failing, and destroying the builder during this prosess.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I just crash every time i start a game, nothing fix it

Change reflectivewater

4 to reflectivewater

1, in springsettings.cfg, bump-mapped water was crashing the game for me.
+0 / -0
Video of my Error:

yea, i like it, especially great is it that you wanted to play on the weekend a bit and nothing works!

The chance of reflectivewater = 1 will not safe!
+0 / -0
If more ppls play on the test hosts per default, we wouldn't have such bugs in zk:stable...

BTW, you can also host your own game (at least with spring lobby) with a lower version of zk/engine.
> /msg Spring !spawn ...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
if spring was backwards compatible with mods... yea people would
+0 / -0

11 years ago
ZK v1.1.3.6 works with Spring 91.0 and 'works' with 93.2.
+0 / -0
If more ppls play on the test hosts per default, we wouldn't have such bugs in zk:stable...

I don't think devs can expect players to use a randomly broken test version. Why would anyone care to use a test version if this version is known to be broken by devs because they commit half-working code (work in progress). The test version should also follow some kind of release process... players who dont follow zkdev will just waste their time if they don't know if test version is supposed to work and need to be considered "release candidate" or just "random brokenage included/work in progress".

If players spend some time to test a version and report a problem and are being told "yeah of course we know its broken", they will probably never test again. So make RC releases...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Anyway, AT LEAST one host should serve the version of previous 3-7 days.
+0 / -0