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player count decrease

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11 years ago
What's your explanation?

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11 years ago
I recall another thread mentioning that the way players are counted changed in February, thus the change in player numbers.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
We also had a lot of buggy engine / ZK releases recently.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Explanation? Go outside man... Its getting warmer (finally at least Lithuania) as you see mostly waiting players dropped that means there is less spectators who would just hang here. And actual playing players didint dropped that much.

But yeah bugs and hard switch to buggy release does things too.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The number of waiting players decreased significantly while the number of playing players decreased a little. That is interesting.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It was February and march that we went through the 93.x farce. It would be interesting if players increased even slightly now that we are using a working engine.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Nah, it's all because I take a break. Let's be honest, most people play ZK for Skasi.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I dont play much often too... I don't know what's wrong. Maybe its the weather.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
College is nearing its end for a lot of people as well.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It's the change in the way things are measured, I believe autohosts were excluded, which would account for many 'waiting' players, thus the sharp drop there. AFAIR at least. The more interesting statistical changes are the peak before the new year (to be expected), and the dips at the start of june and mid july.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There is no measurement change. The decline is real. I blame the horrible performance, aggressive banning policy, splitting at lower player count and lack of maintenance (when was it last time you tried clean install newbie experience?)

I cannot play myself on a PC that runs bioshock infinity silk smooth at maxed details, 94.1 is just way too laggy for me and i don't see projectiles randomly. I wont be playing until its reverted or fixed (but i strongly doubt it will ever be fixed).

+0 / -0

11 years ago
thats a really sad statement, licho...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
A change to the way that they are counted would be a sharp drop. This drop is smooth.

The official server engine was 91.0 up until the start of March. We circumvented it for a while but enough people use bad lobbies so being behind on engine hurts a bit. Broken engine is a big problem and the devs idea of what is playable is very different to ours (94.1 has been called stable). But the drop was before then.

I think holiday seasons has something to do with it. Look at the end of December spike.

Most people should be advertising instead of worrying. We will try to get a version out which uses the very latest engine (there are some fixes). Linux static builds and weblobby have improved multi-engine support.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
A change to the way that they are counted would be a sharp drop. This drop is smooth.
The grahphs does not show it as sharp drop because averaging, smoothing etc.
For example look at this:

Obviously xta never has had 0.5 players ingame, it just displays as that.
+0 / -0
Engine for ZK changed a few weeks ago. ZK player drop happened at February, so this has nothing to do with the engine. Seriously, the same thing happened last year at about the same time too. Everybody blamed end of semester (exams, etc.), except Licho, he blamed a split change.

splitting at lower player count

But this time there was no such change, was there?

It's interesting that XTA has exactly the same drop.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i have to admit i have been playing significantly less since jan/feb, mainly due to engine and fps dros finaly catching up with me... i cant even play in team games anymore due to lag out.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
Last year there was no "end of holidays" drop, instead there was a growth during same months..
So this theory does not hold.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I have personally (mostly) quit playing for a few reasons:

Huge discrepancy of player skill in team games. 1300 Elo players shouldn't be in the same game with 2300 Elo players. Makes the game wildly variable, even when numerically balanced.

Experienced Players room would fix my first point, but no one ever uses it.

Overall teamkilling problem. By this I mean: the game provides many ways to kill your team. We can ban those who TK, but then that brings up Licho's point: he thinks we are too aggressive with banning. I think he's wrong, but our overall ban/not ban policy is a bit murky and people lash out one way or another. I think if teamkilling mechanisms were removed, the problem would go away. Unfortunately, this is a very low-level design problem that would require massive changes to balance and game structure.

Skill growth stagnation. I have reached the point where I'm not getting any better at ZK. I like continuously improving whatever I'm doing, and I feel like I'm playing at my maximum potential skill in ZK. I wish I was better, but it seems like I have hit my ceiling.

UI problems. Seriously, the default UI is among the worst I've ever seen in a game. I spent a lot of time customizing my UI and every engine update seems to break my changes. As we all know, it's an amazing CPU hog and decreases everyone's frame rates.

AI problems. This is mostly driven by ZK's incredibly variable reload times. No other RTS has units with these massive reload times because it's wayyyyyy too easy to trick AI with it and render super expensive units absolutely useless. We've all seen the attempts at writing a no-overkill AA system but it's simply trying to patch the problem, not fixing the root cause. For example, an Annihilator can be tricked to shoot a 20m flea. A gnat can be used to trick the hacksaw. If they fired more rapidly, the problem would be reduced. I don't like games where it's more about tricking AI than out-playing your enemies.

Dirtbags. Enough said.

+0 / -0
When did ELO get hidden? Has that removed a competitive element?

I can't say if this has changed as I am really a nab, but the thing I dislike most is joining a team game. After waiting for the one room with players (other than vs Chickens) to finish, sitting through multiple tedious map votes and then several failed attempts to start it is not unusual to have wasted an hour. I just want to play a game (but not 1v1 - too much pressure!).

IMO rooms should force start in 2 minutes. AFK players should be left out of the game. That ought to foster more simultaneous games which is probably a very good thing.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If this is going to turn into a thread about improving ZK then I really think it would be worth limiting game sizes to 12 players or something. People have been complaining about it for long enough, it must be worth testing if it works.
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