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Help design new ranks/badges

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13 years ago
We need some way to replace existing time-based lobby rank icons with something that conveys more information.

Places where information could be displayed/replaced
  • lobby rank
  • lobby user icon (guys)
  • lobby tooltip
  • website home page (badge)
  • website forum posts
  • ingame playerlist
  • ingame chat bubbles
  • ingame commander (could hold banner etc)

Sorts of information that can be interesting to display
  • level/xp rank (replaces lobby time rank)
  • elo/top 10 rank
  • friend/admin/bot/host status
  • avatar
  • kudos (for people who donate money to project)
  • clan or faction - icon or color
  • past victories (like victories in PW)
  • achievements (1000 chickens fried etc)
  • miscelaneous (past penalties, special permissions etc)

One attempt is here http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/wiki/LevelRankBadge

But we are seeking something that covers every place in consistent way.

For example if there is avatar in forums, it should also be somewhere in lobby and ingame.
If there is a clan it should be in lobby and game etc etc..

Things that should be considered are
  • consistency
  • clarity
  • resolution/size diference of vairous media
  • relevance
  • personalization (avatars, clans)

So if you get plan for universal solutions, post here
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I really like the idea to replace the time-based icons. They are very meaningless...

I like these badges used for bf2 (http://ubar.bf2s.com/). They are based on your points and several special things (like gettings 50 kills in a round).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Not really applicable, ranks only show ranks there, other things are specialized ribbons and you need to display lots of them next to your name
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Oh, i'll post these here, too:

Colour shows 'league' (elo rank), stripes/chevrons show level (Though we're probably going to have to group them by 5, and in the images they are all the same icon).

Clan icons we already have in PW.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I have a nice idea:

We need three components:
* level ( include newbes etc. )
* elo ( maybe more ppls are raging again :D )
* activity ( include new accs etc. )
* the clan

And this is how we display this components:
* I think the level is not as important as the skill of players
* * remember about the difference between noobs and newbes.
* * surround the icons with colored "progress bar" - borders.
* * * first it is black
* * * till level 10 it gets bronze.
* * * till level 50 the bronze gets silver.
* * * till level 150 it gets gold.
* * * till level ( I dunno what we should take as the max level ) it gets blue.
* * * ( mix some special effects into this last color to indicate that it is special )
* The only real importance about elo are the first 2 letters
* * That's it !!!
* * Only display the first 2 letters of the elo number.
* And now there is enough space left to display the clan icon ( large mode )
* But what's about the activity?
* * we don't even used a background color till now - any suggestions?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Its bad to focus too much on ELO.
For starters, for 50% of people it goes down from initial value.
That demotivates people and creates reason to make a new account.

Elo should also be respresented graphically and not numerically.. it could reuse current "ranks" for ELO..

Also there is no need for "activity" .. for most purposes level = activity.

Also small icon in circle is probably not going to be very visible (try to take current rank icon and put it into circle - you have to make it too small).

Your post didnt address other things..
"guys" in ZKL - indicate friend, bot, admin etc..
There has to also be room for "kudos" (for donators) and something for "specials" - like cups for ladder leaders etc

+0 / -0
13 years ago
Imo donators etc. should get a nice halo for their badge. Just make it glow stronger the more you donated. Like your level/elo is the light bulb and donations are the Watts.

The focus should be on elo, but not on the actual elo. Multiply reliability with elo to get the number used for the badge. I don't know exactly which numbers are used for reliability.
1500 elo, reliability of 1 = 1500
1400 elo, reliability of 3 = 4200
1600 elo, reliability of 3 = 4800
1300 elo, reliability of 5 = 6500
1500 elo, reliability of 5 = 7500
1800 elo, reliability of 5 = 9000

It can also be sqrt(level) * ELO

Friends, bots, admins, etc. should be given different name- and chat colors.
Eg. bots use a yellowish orange, administrators use blue, friends use green, others use black/white.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Weight levels very quickly at 6, so its mostly irrelevant, its only for first 30 games or so..

Focus on elo is bad - you need to reward effort (activity) too. And decreasing elo demotivates most people.

Besides too much elo focus can lead to too high competetivness (people trying to cheat, exploit and not play fair to get high elo)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yeah, that's why I later suggested to use the following formula. It seemed even better than reliability. There's no max level I know of and elo will only be important at very high levels. It's basically like this: At start the level will affect the badge a lot. The higher the player level the more important elo becomes, thus leading to competition between long-term players (which is needed to keep them busy and interested in the game).

level^0.5 * ELO
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Things like winning PlanetWars or tournaments I think would work fitted in with the current "Trophies" area, with little icons showing CA awards, purple hearts, etc. They can go in a little scrollable area sortof similar to Steam's achievement sections.

Avatar would have to be its own little image, and the border of that image is a good place for statuses such as friend/admin/banned/etc.

Level, Elo, Faction can be part of the badges (# of bars/chevrons, color, background respectively)
+0 / -0