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When you first played spring, why did you keep playing?

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I kept playing spring for the challenge, and the fun of controlling the units.

+1 / -0

10 years ago
Get to know everything, learn mechanics. I somehow love learning new things.

Chickens was fun and challenging, i watched people do hard chickens on speedmetal, ending with nukes and tons of lichos all over the place. Left me impressed (although i lagged like crazy).
Unlocks were also a good thing to keep me around long enough to stick around. I too wanted to nuke somebody, build superweapons and generally own face. Finding a cool com build is also related.

That's what i remember.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Meet key spring people so I could use them to get into the Imperial Winter beta.

Came for IW, played BA, stayed for CA.
+1 / -0
Zero-K is basically a mashup of all the elements I've been looking for for a long time in a single RTS:
Commander-based start, though the lack of com-ends was something to get used to, it works quite well here.
Physical simulation of the world.
Map-oriented play, both in terms of economy and clear display of game state.
Scale balanced nicely between large army manipulation and physics-oriented attention-focusing tactical maneouvres to ensure the physics matters in noticeable ways. That scale part is what specifically draws me to ZK over other Spring games.
+2 / -0
(sorted by importance, top most important)

---> terrorform <---


opensource project. thats sexy. constant improvements of the game. and some people here i really agree with, mostly devs/admins -.-

online multiplayer. (not just PW, all). that makes the game more challenging than dumb AI which you can adapt to after some practice.

much elements are automatizable, unit AI, build queue. this unique features removes the stress i got with SC2. played successfully broodwar since it came out in 1998(?) but SC2 was too stressy to chillout in the evening.

and it has many elements of supcom but supcom was even worse lagging in the endgame.
+3 / -0

10 years ago
I wanted to remake Urban Assault and even made a skeleton mod with like 25% of goals.

Then i realized ZK met all the design goals i envisaged, from flat techtree to units gaining 300% efficiency when manually controlled, all the while better adapted to the engine.
+0 / -0
I was searching what Linux strategys are avaiable. On some page i bumped on few horibly or old looking games. (0AD was not out yet)

I played a little single player BA on my netbook but it looked like it was released in 1994 and controlled too, luckily i bumbed on 0K when searching for Spring games.

0K had perfect unit controlling, graphics from year 2005 (it was 2011) and a lot awesome ideas.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I <3 reclaim, but then again theres supcom. What I like the most is the intense nonstop action and micro paired with the economy system and having a commander. That said I dont like all other spring games that are not zero-k.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
I kept playing because Zero-k is free and the is no pay to win (There is not alot free RTS). Also it have plenty of units (which is important).

In short: Because its awesome!
+2 / -0
10 years ago
Initialy I was a bit worried with no tech tree, but the unit compositions of the different fabs are well choosen and its a big part of my fun to deside which one to plop at the start of the game.

I realy like stream economies and the overdrive feature.

Consistent unit ranges are also nice (at least on land they are).
+1 / -0
10 years ago
the fact that its the best rts available for linux
+4 / -0
10 years ago
the fact that its the best rts available for linux

Agree, 0AD is also awesome but it is very differend kind of RTS.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I like ZK because it allow me to try random stuff and not lose too hard. In BA you got to worry about build order, or you can't win.

The first Spring game that I won a team game is ZK!
In BA all I ever do is become a buffer zone where I got obliterated first, then I run my constructor to ally and build solar.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
It seemed cool, was free, I liked TA. There I was, playing big team games and tekking to bertha.

Then someone killed me with a Jeffy. A SINGLE jeffy, (somewhere between a Dart and a Flea for those who don't know) he took out my whole base with micro. I was blown away. I was like 'You can do that? No way.'

I had to learn how to do it. Just the idea that you're fighting from the first second of the game to the last, that there is no turtling (which I was alll about in the other RTS's I played) or teching up, no 5-minute pregame where you build your workers, the first unit out of your factory runs straight at the enemy and with good control, can end the game.

Then I got good, learnt to mod, and was recruited to the BA dev team. Mostly I just updated some particle effects (They're still in the game afair). But I was anti flaeshtank, I wanted to buff bots, I wanted the factions to be genuinely different, I wanted Core to have shield generators instead of jammers, I wanted every unit in the game to be viable.

So I made CA.
+7 / -0

10 years ago
ESrankElTorero the fact that its the best rts available

ftfy :D
+1 / -0
Friend told me about TA being a great game so I went to check if there are some remakes and found spring. Tried XTA and AA mod (precursor to BA). I liked the economy and some structures like guardian but I liked microing the OP maverick most .. dual gun shooting armies of units. It was just cool to look at..

Then I played lots of team games with a friend (2v2) - thats why I stayed for longer than a month at first.

Later I got annoyed by hosts and found out hosting is complicated so I made springie, added some elo balancing and stats to make it fairer.

Then BA became unbalanced by weasel unit for a long time and nobody bothered to fix it so I looked over at CA (I was always in contact with team - Quantum and other LCC members), liked that the effects there were nicer and that I could easilly contribute and started working on CA (my first commit was mass LOS normalization).

Few years later after a long effort to get rid of copyrighted content we renamed the final game to Zero-K.

+8 / -0

10 years ago
The first spring game i played was BA. I've always been a massive TA fan, when i saw everything in 3D with massive explosions i was sold.
The custom formations and zoom were an eye opener to me.

After about a year of playing BA i learned about XTA. (it was over it's peak at that point) I loved the Storm/Roko rockets of XTA. You could micro your units like crazy there. XTA also looked so much better than BA. So i got really into that mod, played it competitively for about 2 years.

Fun thing, i've always hated CA. I thought it was the most stupid mod on spring with stupid units that talk to you (WTF was up with that guys :S ). The cartoony interface and units had absolutely no appeal to me. So i missed on most of CA's development. Just got into ZK about 2 years ago. It had changed a lot from what i remembered. It looked cool, you could do crazy micro, had so much more options than BA at the time (flash, flash, flash).

Tbh, i learned to appreciate ZK more because of it's game play then i did BA 6 years ago. At that point i already knew how to play spring games and the "coolness-factor" of spring had washed off. that doesn't mean ZK isn't the best looking spring game now. ;-)
+2 / -0
10 years ago
I played tech anihilation when it was still BA mapmod. I liked bigger and even bigger robots, for comparison detriminent would be "middle" class strider.
+0 / -0
When I first played spring?


Anyhow, I dabbled occaisionally and didn't really get into Spring until I heard Caydr was porting AA. Plus there was that neat EE mod Fang was making, and all of KDR's fun mini-mods. All the crazy experimentation people were doing with the engine held my interest.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
My first spring game was ZK, I found that I really enjoyed the mechanics of the game. Coming from SC2 with the artificial counter system, I found the natural counter system to be mind-blowing. Along with terraform I saw that ZK actually favored a player who took the time to think instead of just out APM-ing the enemy. After a few games I found that there were little moments where I saw how few restrictions the engine had compared to other things, such as how units would automatically shoot at a recently re-cloaked target. I enjoyed SupCom, but it didn't favor the attacker, so I found ZK and stuck with it.
+1 / -0
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