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Chemical strike - so who would you believe?

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11 years ago
The man (Kerry) that claims that he is certain regular army did it and later says that Arab countries (many run by their own dictators) offered money for deposing Assad http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics-live/liveblog/the-houses-syria-hearing-live-updates/?id=e68f139f-e012-476c-876e-2467ba30e5e3

Or the report that actually presents data indicating the shell was likely rebel-made.
+1 / -0
Because the state-run Russian news agency doesn't have an agenda here?

The US has an agenda too, sure, but the US and NATO could have intervened ages ago, like they did in Libya, if they wanted to. Russia has been neck deep in this from day 1 (Well, it's been neck deep in the Assad regime since even before day 1). All these analysis (the 'data') are done independently by Russia with no third-party intervention.

I think the war went far beyond the point of both sides committing massive war crimes ages ago. That's been happening for a while now, with the wholescale slaughter of civilians or captured enemy combatants by both sides, and indescriminate bombing. Throwing accusations about which side is the worst for using chemical weapons, when they've been butchering people for years now, is pretty stupid.
+6 / -0
Saudis have wanted Assad gone for a long time now, have been supporting the rebels, and have enough technical means and tradecraft to plausibly execute a false flag operation with conveniently placed cameras.

They've also been negotiating separately with Moscow to bribe Russia into ending its support of Assad, but that seems to have failed.

And it would seem it's they who would benefit most from both West's intervention (depose hostile figure) AND West's hesitation (west loses influence in middle east -> saudis gain that influence).

Conspiracy theories ahoy!
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Well they should say that this is a reason to intervene and not the chemical attack if its not clear who did it.
But then again, nobody helped in Rwanda and tens of other places during much worse wars and genocides..
+3 / -0

11 years ago
The fuss around chemtrails is mostly due to Obama's "red line".
+0 / -0

john mccain plays online poker during a hearing on syria ... source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics-live/the-senates-syria-hearing-live-updates/?id=ed01ca14-222b-4a23-b12c-c0b0d9d4fe0a

... pro tip:
buy gas/petrol in stock now because capitalism will skyrocket the price at the next conflict somewhere near the middle east (even if the conflict is not in an oil spot). prices for was this morning 1.689€/liter (thats $8.434/gal (US dollars per gallon) (at current quoted rate) (see http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1.689+euros+per+liter+in+dollars+per+gallon)
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Well, exactly.

This is just bluster and international brinkmanship, both assad and the rebels are war criminals by this point, Russia and the US are both caring about nothing but their own power in their region (In the US media, even in the Australian media, the whole discourse is 'Is this is the national interest, our national interest?' what the fuck, you don't intervene in a genocide because it's "In your national interest').

But you should know better than to just be a mouthpiece for Russia Today, of all things, Licho. Especially as a Czech.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
There are three sides in this war: Russia-backed loyalists, USA backed rebels and Islamists.
+0 / -0
In news I heard
- "Arab league reach consensus that the Syrian government is responsible for the chemical attack"

And the Syrian government responded to US threat:
- "by attacking us you are supporting Al-Qaeda"

Islamic organization conference (OIC) was mentioned as:
- "unable to reach consensus because some representative are supporting the rebel"

US was mentioned as saying:
- "we found sarin gas from first responder"

I believe nobody knows who is responsible.. or the US and Arab League know something that led them to believe it was Syrian government to be blamed.
+1 / -0
WMD!!!?!!!?!!! its probably 100% sure maybe certainity.
+1 / -0
WMD!!!?!!!?!!! its probably 100% sure maybe certainity.

Ye, I am confuse why nobody care about genocide (that happen somewhere else), but EVERYONE cared about hundred of people exposed to Sarin gas.
+2 / -0
"what the fuck, you don't intervene in a genocide because it's "In your national interest"

In fact, the still-current basic principle of international law regarding security issues is that a country is allowed to attack another only if (1) permission was granted by the Security Council or (2) self-defence.

Such permission from Security Council may only be granted within Chapter VII of the UN charter:



Threats to peace is meant as in threats to peace between countries, i.e. one country attacking another.

There is no right under international law to attack another country because there's a civil war going on.

On top of that, you readily admit that each side looks for its own interest but you seem to see propaganda only in Russia Today, but no in US or Australian medias. Why?

Finaly, I would point out that Licho just asked a question without taking side? Is the mere fact of mentioning the view advanced by RT (and others) that the rebels might have commmited the attack enough to be the "mouthpiece of RT"???

EDIT: ok, I overlooked the words "actually present date" which show where Licho leans
+0 / -0
Well I'm worried about style of communication.
One side has politics saying "I'm sure, I'm sure" even before UN inspectors arrive at the place.

Other released 100 page document with photo details, weaponry comparison and chemical analyses AND delivers it to the "I'm sure I'm sure" side.

To me the communication style taken by one side is simply unacceptable..

Regardless of who is right. Personally I would think it's more likely that rebels did it simply because Assad forces are winning atm and it would be suicide to use chemical weapons knowing about Obama's red line. On the other hand attacking own people using sarin might be best option for losing rebels - to get USA on their side.

It's also alarming that such reports are not widely publicized and analyzed by western media while random beliefs of politicians are.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
its always the same.

the day there where the boston marathon incident, the western public was hillariously outraged about it. in the same week, much more civilians (x10-x30?) died to several assaults in iraq. but nobody cared. because thats sadly normal, but the boston attack was extraordinaire. the knowledge about the genocids, e.g. on the african continent are known for a long time and therefore are not special news AND there is no economically or politically intrest in them. the usage of poisonous gas is a first timer for a long time plus the american military head (obama) set his own trap when he talked about gas and red lines...

+2 / -0

11 years ago
I've now gotten to read the RT article, so one of three featured comments under the article proper talks about how "illuminati are satan worshippers".

My day was made on that discovery.

Conspiracy theories ahoy!
+1 / -0

11 years ago
You can now re-read in some Canadian and US media too .. RT is merely the first english article I found...
+0 / -0
Maybe I am a bit more sensibilised after the US attacks on Switzerland (tax issues), but I would dare to ask a single question:

Since when is Obama, nothwithstanding his greatness and awesomeness, entitled to draw any so-called "red lines" towards any other country as regards any particular civil war in the latter country which would then have to be held by all the international community as a formal basis for any intervention??

Hello guys in the White House/pentagon, you're not alone in this planet !!

I mean, if there is a new Secession war, will Ireland then sets a "red line" that the Yankee should not cross in combats against Southerners, failure to comply leading to the Irish Navy launching missiles on New York ???
+0 / -0
Since when is Obama...

in the civilized world of today, its the right of the mighty, if you are looking for proof to loose faith in humanity. feel free to join the machines.

actually, im working on the transformation to become a machine right now (not to be mistaken with joining the machines). results may follow soon in the form of a video.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Never ;)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Iam sure some ppl are making tons of money from this tragedy. So much they actualy want this to happen and support it.
+0 / -0
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