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So when will Archer be nerfed?

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Edited this abit to be more specific:
It's OP.
It is good antiraider. Raiders cant catch without being thrown away and are likely to die by being thrown away.
It is good antiriot. It pushes away Warriors and Levelers and severely damages them. It got pretty long range with 400 which is longer than the range of Warriors and Levelers and even Mace.
It is good antiskirmisher against light non-homing skirmishers. It can dodge the shots of Rockos, Rogues and catch up to them fairly easily.
It is good antiheavy. It can make Heavies get stuck and can in masses push them around like you want.
And it is a good raider. It is fast and hard to catch and using your own Raiders is likely to fail while it can just push away light Riots.
+5 / -0
Kill it with FIRE!

*and they are Cheap as hell.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It's kiting pretty perfectly even while moving forward... I'd call it reverse kiting.
+1 / -0
just slash it's water tank (and water regen) in half! let it run out of water fast and then laugh at it

also you forgot ravager ping pong!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Always link to replays Godde. Because even if it's OP, we need to establish why and what to do about it. For that, we need replays.

It does very little damage to buildings (And quickly exhausts it's tank while doing so), it pushes units like skirmishers away (something like the Scalpel or Banisher can get it's shot off and then gets -help- with kiting) and costs 200, which is not very cheap.

When I see it used, it doesn't really dominate games. It's a bit hilarious, but I've seen it fail terribly to things like Slashers or static defense pushes.

Games like this, even fighting almost nothing but Glaive, I did no real economic damage, even vs a nub. Though, the ducks were less than useless, so maybe pure archer would work better.
Multiplayer B195124 2 on Vittra_v1
Then there is Googles totally awful amph game, where his Archers and then Bouys almost never fired a shot (he was AFK for part of this so I have to think maybe he wasn't really trying this game:
Multiplayer B194885 10 on Dual Icy Run v3

However, the Archer is too universal and also has almost no synergy with the rest of it's factory (except maybe Grizzly). So it needs a role adjustment, I think it needs to lose range, down to typical riot-type range, and perhaps lose the tank mechanic too if that becomes a problem for the lower range. Then it can screen for Bouy's, whereas now the bouy only has 50 more range and so the archer just tends to knock enemies out of the bouys shots.
+3 / -0
and it's atk fuck pathfinder, units get semistuned unable to move, even when trying to escape, i.e. moving in the opposite direction of archer, trying to make distance.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It doesn't fuck pathfinder, the unit literally leaves the ground. It can't walk if it's not in contact with the ground, so yeah, it's a kind of disable. This is intentional, as is the pushing-units-into-water (or holes) thing.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
We all started amphs and suicided our Archers. But the enemy couldn't push out until they had Archers of their own. Weird game indeed.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
should archer also be pushed backward by its own water jet, to some degree?
+2 / -0
I don't know if you watched the replay back, but that was not really them 'not being able to move out' so much as them cooping on a blackdawn. They went for a gunship rush, only one player pushed out, and it took -all- of your players to... not kill his commander. Glaives would have wiped the floor with that single jumpcom. Then you spend several minutes expending all your water tanks to kill his factory.

So, it also showcases how poor Archer is vs comms as well as buildings. Oh, and air, because air takes no impact damage with the ground and their gunships basically destroyed your archer spam.

They wasted their blackdawn really badly, so that rush failed, then they finally put down their factories snd beat you with land units because your archers did nothing. Only, they also chose to use archers, so they took ages to finish you even though you were completely crippled. Because the archers just could not finish off any buildings, so they resort to behemoths and other silliness of all things.

I mean, okay, Archer is a bit of a universalist with a lot of range and kite factor, AoE and it's good vs a lot of units. I'm not against a nerf (Or really, a role-tightening). But this game really showcased it's weakness, I think my game vs the nub where I destroy all his glaives with my archers actually showcases archer power better.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
archer is for all effects and purposes invincible in 1v1
+2 / -0
11 years ago
I think archers recharge should be ONLY in water, ammo much more limited, and produced empty, but they like shields exchange charges.
+0 / -1
11 years ago
>I think archers recharge should be ONLY in water, ammo much more limited, and produced empty, but they like shields exchange charges.

after this you need water delivery unit to make archers any useful
+1 / -0
@[RD]Godde and I played a few games.
Multiplayer B195146 2 on Red Comet
The first game, I just reasoned regarding the two weaknesses of the Archer: High HP units which waste its tank, and homing high-alpha skirms which can hit it even if it pushes them away (In fact, this helps them to kite!).

So, halberd and scalpel were the natural choice. As it happens I didn't even really need to make it to Scalpels, exhausting his archers alone meant he couldn't raid me, was stuck in his base, and I could snipe his eco with Halbs once the archers ran out. One closed Halberd can drain 3 Archers.

It became a bit harder when he switched off of Archers to Bouy/Duck, but I was too far ahead and won that game. Rare that I can take a game from Godde, so that shows it's a very strong counter, which he agreed with. That's only one factory though.

So I tried shieldbots:
Multiplayer B195152 2 on Archers_Valley_v6
I figured I could do a similiar thing to Halberds as I did with Zeus, but it just didn't work. I thought with their range and accuracy they could hit the archers, but they just got pushed around and didn't have the HP to drain their tanks. I switched to Scythe, which did a lot better and got into his economy several times, figuring that with Scythe I can get in range and hit, and if he pushes me out of range I can just cloak again. This worked for the most part, and I think could be viable, but by then it was too late. Worth noting: I was ahead in eco the whole game. The Archer in the bottom left who dies to an in-construction LLT and the con assisting it shows how poor of a raider Archer is, and with it's slower speed and high cost it's coverage is poor, so I could really expand aggressively. But he got army advantage and Archers scale really well with other archers, till the point he could take out my comm, and by that point I didn't have the static defenses to stop him.

I still think the correct counter is to slow down his eco and expansion either using Scythe or Glaive (Glaives just avoiding his Archers, since they're faster and cheaper for better coverage), then expand with LLT's yourself. Edit: It's also important to spam solars, archers can kill winds, but solars waste their tank so bad. If you can take out his buildings and he can't take out yours, you out-eco him, but dealing with that big mid-game Archer ball is still going to be hard. Burrowed ticks?

Anyway, there are counters, I don't think it's OP. But it also has no synergy, stacks only with itself (and grizzlies), is good against almost every class of mobile and is annoying to fight against.

Godde raised the point that it had good synergy with old duck because the duck was like a mini-scalpel. You'd get your high alpha shot off, then push the enemy away while you reload. I think this means the duck and archer have better synergy, but it also gives them the same role (Since the archer and duck both can be 'shot wasted', are both good vs mobiles, etc). Either way I think the Archer probably needs it's range to go down to at least the range of a conventional riot unit. Then skirms become a much more obvious counter because pushing them away just helps them kite.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
However, the Archer is too universal and also has almost no synergy with the rest of it's factory (except maybe Grizzly). So it needs a role adjustment, I think it needs to lose range, down to typical riot-type range, and perhaps lose the tank mechanic too if that becomes a problem for the lower range. Then it can screen for Bouy's, whereas now the bouy only has 50 more range and so the archer just tends to knock enemies out of the bouys shots.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
Its too fast, half its speed .. and some
+0 / -0

impulse is not applied to units in "jump state". they wont see in coming before the jump, just ensure the skutt lands right within them and insta-queue the trololoplosion at landing. because if you caught while jumpin some impulse from archers, the sudden impule propetrololoeration at landing will give you not much time to trololoplode!
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I wonder how you want to make cost with skuttles vs archers. Unless they clump like a shieldball (which would be horribly stupid), you won't.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Archers clearly reload water too fast on land. Their water tank is almost never noticable. It's something unique to this unit, so should be empathized. As I understand it, water tanks should be a weakness to Archers - run out of water and your range decreases.
Buff strengths, nerf weaknesses.
+4 / -0
If you had watched that game with the halberds or ever used a closed halberd vs an Archer you'd see how much the tank matters. Matters for solar panels too.

Anyway, from the commit log:

Duck back to tracking missiles. Reload time 3 -> 4, same DPS. This has synergy
with the Archer, since the projectile can fire, will still hit a unit under
impulse, and the high alpha works with Archer skirm factor and persistent DPS.
Stats allow it to 2-shot a llt (suiciding) or to kill an LLT with archer
assistance. The reload and alpha should (hopefully) allow raiders to waste it's
shots, because it should require the Archer and not be anti-raider on it's own.
May have to up the alpha further for this though.

Archer range 400 -> 300, impulse 40 ->30. First change is to allow it to screen
for Ducks and Bouys, since previously it had too much range to really let either
fire (Duck because it has less range, Bouy because it misses). The impulse is a
general nerf because it's no longer the sole source of anti-unit DPS in a
duck/archer pack (which was not viable to use anyway), and this should make it
harder to deal with heavy units (which is meant to be the ducks role).

P.S the duck gets a longer flight time, it's missile should track a unit that's thrown back and have a good chance of hitting it.
+0 / -0
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