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Can't install/run

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11 years ago
So, I saw this game and went "AWESOME." Unfortunately it went downhill from there. I first started by trying to download from Ubuntu, and eventually (after a long process) managed to get some semblance of the game operational. The problems were these:
1: There was no graphics compatability. I was faced with basic outlines one would expect to see at the beginning of model design. It was only framework
2: As soon as my "Tutorial" match started, it said "Defeat." not what you want to see at the beginng of a game.
3: (And this may be due to the computer I am using) everything was choppy. There was way too much going on for my computer to process. Hi-Def games may be nice, but they produce lag. It would be considerably appreciated if there was a lower graphics setting to set it to (and this was with the graphics already being nil due to a lack of textures).
4: It was 100% reliant on the internet and the website. It would be nice if instead of redirecting me to the browser, it simply brought up a list of commands via the lobby. And it would also be nice to be able to just sit down and play a singleplayer match/mission that's already downloaded without having to go through the whole browser process.

That was the problem with Ubuntu (12.04)

The next time I decided to try it with windows, since the initial download link is a .exe. Unfortunately, although I got most of the files downloaded, there was one missing. The executable file for Zero-K. I was extremely looking forward to playing this game, unfortunately there is only so much a person is willing to wade through just to play a game. I may check back after a while to see if it's been fixed, but for the time being, I am rendered unable to play.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Seeing all these errors, it might help to know what hardware you are using, especially in the graphics card department. You can fully configure the settings, but there's also a few predefined ones from "Very Low" to "Ultra", at least in the ZK lobby.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I had a lot of problems with Ubuntu in the past, due to some sort of driver problems; you may need to install the official drivers (that is, not mesa), especially if you have Intel integrated graphics. I am not sure if this would fully fix it, as I don't have Ubuntu anymore, but it is likely the cause of 1.

3. is possibly related to 1.; also, there should be in a hidden folder in your home directors - ~/.spring maybe? - which has a settings file. It is not well-structued, but you could probably find some settings to turn down there.

For 4., you can get alternate, local lobbies - NOTALobby (http://nota.machys.net/nota-lobby), a closed-source but still but still very nice lobby associated with the Spring mod NOTA - and Springlobby (http://springlobby.info/landing/index.php), which is ugly and very slow but is the official Spring engine one and has the best settings dialog of any lobby. Note that while both of these are fully functional for both single-player and multiplayer games, neither is connected to the ZK web infrastructure with the map/replay/singleplayer/commander-setup, so a browser will still be needed for these.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
you may need to install the official drivers (that is, not mesa)

The official Intel drivers use Mesa and I did an exhaustive search a while back for non-mesa drivers with no useful result.
neither is connected to the ZK web infrastructure with the map/replay/singleplayer/commander-setup, so a browser will still be needed for these.

An external browser is needed in linux ZKL anyway because on windows it uses internet exploder inside of ZKL, which does not work in Mono.

Hardware information would be useful, other than that you could try setting graphics to minimal and trying the mission again.

The "defeat at start" thing sounds very strange. I think you would have to ask @KingRaptor or someone else with good knowledge of missions about that one.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
My best guess would be he took too long to load and the game considered him gone. Not that that would make any sense in a mission, but who knows...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
What do you mean when you say that you failed to download the executable for Zero-K? The file you download is the lobby and through that you launch the game. It does not create a separate Zero-K exe for you.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
When I ran the installer, everything downloaded... except for the .exe file. It made it so I downloaded everything, but had absolutely no way to run it.

For those asking about the hardware, I am using an old Lenovo T60p laptop with Ubuntu 12.04/Windows Server 2008 (probably the cause of the windows side of the problem) and default drivers installed. The graphics makes it look like the graphics file is missing. The framework is there, it just lacks colors.

When I was compiling it for Ubuntu, it brought up a lot of errors. Bight be easier if it had a separate install file for Ubuntu instead of just one that's .exe. Just a couple ideas.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Are you installing to the default location? It may say "Startup directory not writable, Zero-K.exe will be moved to [Some Filepath].

Try installing again and check there for the exe.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
With the specs on that laptop I don't think you have any chance of running ZK with any kind of acceptable performance. What spec is your laptop? I was looking on the Lenovo site and there are several T60 models available.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
When I was compiling it for Ubuntu, it brought up a lot of errors

You probably lack dependencies for that. Try "sudo apt-get build-dep spring", that should fix most of compile issues.

It seems that your laptop comes with a variety of graphics cards, one intel and four atis. Which one is yours?
+1 / -0