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Better tutorials=no smurfs, no angry newbies.

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11 years ago
Since unlocks for newbies are a pain (in case they are implemented) and for smurfs will be devastating i suggested the tutorial newbie start where you learn all about every unit in the game and every building.

Currently just give 1 factory unlocked like cloakies and block the curent things: energy transmision pylon, singularity reactor, behemoth, nuke, annihilator, doomsday, newton( smurfs will use it to throw roaches and stuff), and many stuff that i dont mention here yet.

To unlock these things you wont need xp. Xp will be used only to unlock commanders and commander's modules.

So to unlock factories for example you need to complete all singleplayer guides for cloacky factory (glave guide, rocko guide, warrior guide, zeus guide, thick guide and so on).

After you made all these singleplayer unit guides for cloacky boot factory you gain a new factory choice coin where you can select your next factory.

After you selected your next factory in order for you to use its units you need to use the newbie guide units for the chosen factory( example is gunship fac in case he choses it where you learn how to counter glaves with blastwings, how to stop big units with gnats, how to raid with banshess, how to kill commanders and other stuff with bd and many more).

So for each unit in factory there will be a singleplayer mission guide and if you complete it the unit will be unlocked.

So before you reach gunship factory and to gain the ability to make krow you need to pass the tests of the cloacky boot factory and all the missions for each unit it has. From these smurfs will be displeased and newbies will enjoy learning the game.

After you chosed the gunship and made all the unit missions you gain all the units and a new factory coin available. And when you unlock the third fac choice you will have the same tutorial units like you had in the previous factories.

We need to remember to add tutorials to defences to.
Example: totorial for anti swarm turret (stardust).
1. commander is ploped you cant built nothing except the stardust
2. an eta is shown nearby where it explains that incomming raiders will attack
3. it explains to you to make the stardust where you want but protect the commander by sitting near it.
4. raiders die and commander survies, if not mission failed.

after you made the stardust tutorial you need to make the stinger toturial if you want it unlocked.
Stinger toturial:
1.Commander plops
2.Message is shown where it explains that skyrmishers will attack your area and you need to built the medium range defence turret with medium dmg.
3.Eta is shown until attack
4. Attack commences
5. Stinger survives, commander survies and the enemy rogues, rockos are dead

DDm tutorial.

1. You are explained that incomming zounds of raiders and heavy units will attack.
2. You are asked to make 2 fusions and a ddm and connect the grid with energy transmision pylons.
3. ETA is shown until attack starts
4. The attack starts
5. ddm survives, commander survives, enemy 100 glaves, 2 goliaths died
6. you gain the ability to built ddm after you finished the mission.

So in this way we need to make tutorials for each unit, factory, and construction. I suggest a standard simple map where the player wont get to confused. So we need a standard simple 1 vs 1 map, i propose icy run but this depends on you guys.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Forgot to mention that ddm toturial and annihilator toturial wont be available if stardust, stinger, newton, razor kiss, gause turret is not finished.

same for singularity, nuke, in case you dont didnt finished the pylon tutorial and the fusion +geo and moho tutorial.

Strider hub tutorial will be unlocked when you finished all factory unit tutorials.Until that time player will reach 10 levels for sure:).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
That sounds like lots of tutorials, a tutorial per factory sounds more reasonable.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
Hmm i wanted a tutorial per unit (and make newbie use them as many as possible) because it will take like 5-10 min per tutorial and smurfs will be disabled and newbies happy i gues...

But we can do factory toturial to and we will have 1 smurf per 5 minute.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
LoL a tutorial per unit would be too much xD
There would be more than a 100 tutorials to go through
+8 / -0
11 years ago
Why would we want to make the game harder to jump into just to stop a few peaple from haveing more than one name?
+0 / -1

11 years ago
RTS games traditionally do best when they tread the line between "campaign" and "tutorial". Notice how many RTS games follow the same campaign - they start you off with the bare-minimum gameplay and wordy explanations, and they move on to less hand-holding and introducing units 1 or 2 at a time.

The problem is that this represents a tremendous amount of work.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
well i gues 1 tutorial will take like 1 minute or 5 min maximum and it will be overly exagerated with units. Example is stardust mission against raiders where you need like 5-6 of them to counter 100-150 glaves so the newbie understands the mechanics of game better. Also newbies like to see units crushed under porc:P
+0 / -0

11 years ago
USranksomekid it wont be harder for newbies, just for smurfs. For newbies you get all factories and all units at level 10 if you finish all the misions, i think that sounds interesting.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You want to turn a game into a sequence of exams?
+4 / -0

11 years ago
That sounds like a great optional idea, but forcing players to run through that would likely be annoying. For random new players coming in it would be super-useful. For people coming into the game during a LAN party, or just with RL friends, it would be a really annoying hurdle.

Also, tons of work. I'd recommend if this is the path to go along, start with per-factory or per-class tutorials, not per-unit (simply to be more reasonable on workload).
+2 / -0

11 years ago
I like the idea per class tutorials:)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I would argue against this, but the devs all recognize this as the terrible idea it is, so I'll just be quietly content in the knowledge that it will never happen.

Tutorials are good. Stop talking about them and go make some.

Mandatory tutorials are bad and will never happen.
+0 / -2
11 years ago
Q: what unit cloaks and has a melee wep?

studant answer: Sythe

correct answer: The Rubber Ducky.
+0 / -0
Condensed IMO:

- a single crash-course tutorial or a few educational SP options totalling 30m time expenditure at most: are allowable to be mandatory requirement for official teams rooms, and would benefit the community.
- it is possible that speccing those rooms should count towards this limit.
- this limit should not apply to 1v1 or custom-made host. it would thus not apply to lan parties, which would either use their local lobbyserver, or setup their own private rooms.
- this limit would have to apply to FFA, because ffa can include setups like 2v2v2, i.e, allies can occur.
- a single or limited number of such semi-mandatory chores would be much easier to implement than a load of tutorials for each unlock, and would impact overall sportsmanship index of community much less than "grind to win" unlock mechanics.


All of the aforementioned stuff would require UI modifications: either site or lobby should have some nice countdown timer to show how much more suffering the newbie must weather before being allowed to receive the joys of a raging sfireman.


I have become neon, poster of nonsense.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
Ok...now we now need to make raider tutorial, artiy tutorial, heavy tutorial, anti heavy tutorial and air tutorial( gunships and planes)

I suggest we keep gunships and planes in locked mode until they make all those 30 min max tutorials that EErankAdminAnarchid mentioned.

Regarding eco tutorial and porc tutorial what do we do with it?
+0 / -0
1) Unit locking is not coming back, ROrankForever. Me, i'm only talking about limiting access to official teams rooms (springiee, hydrogen and neon primarily; newbies-welcome can stay i guess).

2) The 30-minute limit i proposed above? It's for the sum total. If you make 10 missions for a newbie to pass, that means each has to be 3 minute long.

now we now need to make raider tutorial

3) Just download the mission editor and get it going!
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Unit locking is not coming back

How do you know?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I hope unit locking comes back so nabs dont rush striders off the bat...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
But.. Stiders are locked right?
+0 / -0
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