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Feature request Forum and Battle Search

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10 years ago
If someone has a bit of time, is it possible to add the following:
- mark subforums as read
- find all (not 10 on start page) own threads or in posted threads

Battle Search
- search for games when player was not spec
- search for won games / lost games only
- search doesn't work for more then one player
+7 / -0

10 years ago
search battles does not work at all...

getting no results or all players results for my name.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Works for me, make sure you actually hit the hourglass.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
this. never was different.

+0 / -0
Mojjj, it could be something to do with the low performance of your PC. :P

Btw, try putting "all time" in the Age field.
Errm, actually those were just some old replays. Doesn't work for me either.
+3 / -0
Works for me, make sure you actually hit the hourglass.

something to do with the low performance of your PC

I'd say that m$ javascript is getting really out of hand...

+0 / -0

10 years ago
Btw, try putting "all time" in the Age field.

nope. i dont want to see 31months old battles first and search the next 2000+ battles for my recent ones. its broken.
+0 / -0
i dont want to see 31months old battles first and search the next 2000+ battles for my recent ones

Good, because you won't find them. It sorts by most recent first.

I tried searching replays for mojjj myself and found the following:

1) No replays today.
2) No replays this week.
3) No replays this month.
4) 13 replays for all time, last of those dated 30 months ago.

So i guess something broke 30 months ago.
+0 / -0
maybe you are talking about http://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/200661 and http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/840

so. this looks like most stupid me's second account, which created to dumbness password forgetfullness. silly replay point to wrong account records.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Apparently the search function doesn't expect to have multiple mojjj's to be present in database, resolves the name to first id found, and goes onwards gg no re.
+3 / -0

10 years ago
+0 / -0
Well what would be the intended behaviour in this case? Find replays from all mojjjs?

I reckon you should be able to put a user id into that field, but since names consisting entirely of numbers are apparently allowed, it doesn't avoid ambiguities...

Also, this issue will most likely not "hit" anyone whom it doesn't already affect (assuming that "first ID for matching names is used" is what actually happens).
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Bug tracking aside, i'd still love to search for multiple users at once and ignore spec games.

Like finding all 1v1's of myself against a specific other player.
+5 / -0
10 years ago
is there any way to test site/db changes localy? i tried running the server once but it just redirected me to the official site
+0 / -0
yes, that would be awesome. or, to make it easier, could we have a small snapshot of data with all attributes to locally test it? then i maybe join there too ;) (i frequently shout in zkdev to get db access but nobody ever listened)
+0 / -0

10 years ago
little bump

Especially I would like to see mark subforums as read.
Okay battle search would be great too though :)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Agree with above. Also

-Search by keyword
-Please add "balance discussion" and "feature requests" subforums

-Specifcy timeframe so I can see my earliest matches
+0 / -0

10 years ago
is there any chance to get mark forums read? currently more then 20 battle threads of same type. :(
+0 / -0
is there any chance to get mark forums read?

do you mean "mark all unreads threads as read" ?
+1 / -0

10 years ago
oh wow I am blind. Cool. :)
I searched for it on start page
+1 / -0
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